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SVT went to their own dorms to have a rest after finishing their schedule.

Joshua entered his room after taking a bath few minutes ago. He dropped his body on the bed and hoped to fall asleep soon but his eyes could not cooperate with him.


Since last month, there were certain night that he could not help to fall asleep. After meeting the psychiatric, he found that he had a mild insomnia.

However, he tried to avoid taking the sleeping pills for his own good. He did not want it to be habit later on whenever he could not fell asleep.

Joshua sat against the headbed and calmed himself down. The knocking sound surprised him and his eyes quickly went to that person.

"Oh, do you want anything, Scoups-ah?" asked him.

Scoups shook his head and looked at Joshua worriedly.

"It happened again?" Joshua could only nod as an answer.

"Why don't you take a walk for a while. Maybe it could help a bit..?"

Scoups' suggestion was not bad. Maybe he just needed some times alone.

"Alright. I'll be back in an hour or two," Joshua changed his pajama to sports wear.

"Careful, Shua-ya," Scoups saw him until he left through the elevator.


Joshua went to Han River as there were less people there at 2am. He calmly walked across the walkway. He felt more calm after 15 minutes walking.

As he went to his favourite spot there, his eyes fell on someone near the river. It seemed like he or she wanted to kill him/herself.

Without second thought, Joshua ran to that person and grabbed his/her hand. As he pulled quite hard, the hood on that person's head fell and revealed their identity as a girl.

"What are you doing, sir?" asked the girl.

Joshua was stunned for a while. He could not see her clearly as she wore a mask just like him.

"Err...I'm saving you! It seems like you wanted to kill yourself earlier," blurted Joshua.

"Excuse me...?"

She looked at him weirdly. She then went back to the riverside and lifted a small creature in her hands.

"I'm saving this little one as he almost drowned in the water," explained the girl.

Joshua felt awkward for his action just now.

" bad,"

"It's fine,"

Unknowingly, they sat beside each other at Joshua's favourite spot. Joshua looked at her. She was patting the kitten softly and slightly played with him.

"Did you always visit here alone at this hour?" asked Joshua.

"No," she then sighed.

"Actually I ran away from somewhere I don't want to stay," said her in low voice.

Joshua quite shocked after hearing it. It made him curious on what had happened to her that made her choose this decision.

"I don't want to talk about it so I hope you will not ask me anything,"

Joshua respected her choice and not asked about it. They enjoyed each other companion even though they did not talk that much. He also felt comfortable around her as she did not know who he was.

An hour passed just like that. Suddenly, her stomach growled. Her cheeks turned red when she noticed Joshua smiling.

"Are you hungry?"

"It's okay. I don't feel like eating anyway," said her but her stomach said otherwise.

"It keeps calling for food. Let's go! I will treat you as you accompanied me earlier,"

"Since when did I accompany you? That's my favourite spot so it's natural for me to sit there," said her.

Joshua grabbed her hand and brought her to the convenience store nearby.

"It's also my favourite spot if you want to know,"

Once they reached at the convenience store, she stopped her track that made Joshua turned to look at her.

"I don't bring any money with me," Joshua smiled by her innocent look.

"Didn't I just say that I will treat you?"

Without hearing her reply, Joshua continued to hold her hand and entered the store together. They bought some instant food and brought them to their favourite spot.

They spent almost the whole night by eating and talking to each other about random stuffs. However, none of them introduced their name to each other.

As few hours passed, it was 5 in the morning right now. They cleaned the plastic waste of food they ate earlier.

"I need to go now. I have work at 7 today," said Joshua.

"Same as me. I have a packed schedule until night,"

"Don't you feel tired at all?"

"Not even a bit. It's just normal for me to not have a sleep for few days," explained her.

"But it's not good for your health,"

"Said someone who also did the same as me," teased her.

"I have insomnia for almost four years now," her last words shocked him.

"You too? I have mild insomnia since last month,"

"Ooo...welcome to the club then..?" she giggled by her own joke.

"At least I'm not alone," Joshua also giggled.

They bid goodbye and went to their separate way. Joshua then realized something and turned to look for her but she was nowhere to be seen.

"I forgot to ask her name..."

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