The originally loud and noisy group of 4 silently watched as their 2 male classmates, hand in hand, got on a boat, and then right in front of them, slowly...floated...away......

The 4 girls: "......"

Just what...are those two...doing exactly......

The early winter breeze mixed with the moist air of the river blowing against their faces was a bit chilly.

Taehyung and Jimin sat shoulder to shoulder in the narrow boat and felt that something was different than normal; their hearts pounded, and their thought processes felt sluggish.

But without the girls following them, they also felt more relaxed.

Seeing the colored lanterns floating in the river that came from the other boats, Taehyung asked the boatman: "Captain, how come we're not releasing colored lanterns?"

Baffled, the boatman asked, "You guys also want to?"

Taehyung smiled: "Just for fun."

The boatman let out an "Oh" before saying, "You have to buy the colored lanterns. ₩5 each."

Taehyung & Jimin: "......"

Taehyung: "Captain, do you accept ?"

The boatman: "No, I only accept cash."

Taehyung was rendered speechless, completely in despair!

The boatman, puzzled: "You two don't even have 5 bucks?"

Taehyung: "That, I forgot to bring extra and only have ₩50 to pay for the ride......"

How embarrassing, to be short in money.

The two of them pitifully shared a look before Jimin smiled first. "Forget it, we don't have to."

Taehyung nodded, yet still glanced at the colored lanterns on the boat and sighed enviously, "They're quite pretty."

Jimin silently stared at Taehyung's profile, and just as he was about to pull out money in a love-struck daze, he saw the boatman throw something at them: "Forget it, I'll give you one for free."

Taehyung & Jimin: "......"

That boatman originally didn't understand why 2 strapping guys would want release colored lanterns... But now, he seemed to have realized something, and staring meaningfully at them, sighed, "How can you forget to bring money at a time like this?"

Extremely happy, the two of them thanked the boatman, picked a lantern, and used the lighter thrown at them earlier to light the candle inside.

A warm flame illuminated their faces, and because there was only one lantern, they debated over who it should go to. In the end, due to Jimin's persistence, Taehyung relented.

He carefully picked up the lantern, and right before he released it onto the river, turned to Jimin and said, "When I let go, remembered to make a wish!"

Jimin: "You make the wish!"

Taehyung smiled but didn't say anything. Jimin scooted closer and the two of them watched that colored lantern follow their boat a bit due to inertia before slowly floating further and further away.

Then, a gust of wind blew past and...the candle went out.

Taehyung & Jimin: "......"

Losing interest, they pulled their heads back into the boat and after a stretch of silence, Taehyung asked, "What did you wish for?"

Jimin: "Didn't I tell you to make the wish?"

Taehyung: "I didn't make one, I wanted to give that chance to you......"

Then, his shoulders started to shake as if laughing.

Smiling, Jimin replied, "Forget it. It's better that we didn't make a wish, or else it'd be really disheartening to see the light get blown out so quickly."

Those short 15 minutes passed in the blink of an eye. After they went ashore, they slowly walked back.

Thinking of the single bed that awaited them at the guesthouse, the originally relaxed Jimin felt his head throb, assaulted by nervousness.

[A small interlude]

The girls' feelings as they watched Taehyung and Jimin get on the boat and leave:

Seo Miri: Holy fuck, why don't those two just get married (=_=)

Hye Jung: Please let me RIP all by my lonesome self...... TAT

Jin Yi: That feel when you get a face full of PDA...... (⊙⊙)

Do Hee: God owes me a boyfriend! ┻━┻︵╰(‵皿′)╯︵┻━┻

[Regarding expenses]

Day 1: train ticket ₩12, bus ₩2, subway (swiped subway card), steamed bun ₩2, lunch (meat dumpling wrapped in leaves) ₩6, dinner (noodles) ₩16, lodging ₩50, boat ride ₩25/person......

As for what's left, everyone can calculate it themselves and guess how they'll spend the rest

Taehyung, counting the money left in his pocket as tears stream down his face: Ahh, I've never fallen this low before.

[[Mfw a 15 minute boat ride costs more than twice the amount for a 1 hour long train ride...]]

Anyways, just for fun, how would you react if 2 hot guys ditched your group to go on a love-boat ride all by themselves?

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