CH.1 - The box..

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In this story the reader only has a younger sibling bc i dont wanna bother with too many extra sibling characters that i have to kill off eventually.

What LJ is like 200+ years old (damn grandpa) so reader can be like in their idk early 20's (gotta keep shit legal so lets say 23- almost 24 )

(y/n) = your name

(y/s) = younger sibling (they/them and around 5 years old)

I headcanon that LJ just sits in his box waiting for a kid to open it so he can be 'summoned', hes a very patient man. (im lying)

Story is set in the UK. 🦅🦅😱💔💥


It was winter already, the snow softly falling from the sky as you walked on the sidewalk with your mom and (y/s). A house in the neighborhood was hosting a special winter garage sale and mom wanted to check it out and of course (y/s) just had to as well. You were holding their small hand as your sibling practically clung onto you for warmth as you both stood at a table with stuffed toys while your mother went to explore the other boxes and tables full of items.

You took some money with you just in case you wanted to get something and a small cute racoon plushie caught your siblings attention as they frantically pulled you to the table. As you were inspecting the items on the table next to the one with plushies a box was suddenly swung in front of you.

LJ's pov:

I heard rustling outside my box before it suddenly shook. I sat up slightly and steadied myself, I was a bit too late though as I hit my head against the top. "For fucks sake, I swear this box was bigger before." I cursed under my breath as the box shook violently again before completely stopping almost if it had been placed onto something. Faint voices were heard as I pressed my face onto one of the 4 walls of my wooden prison. None of the words were clear but it sounded like a kid getting closer.

When they came extremely close I could finally make out a little of what they were saying. "-box—- .. sale- ............-/n)!" My mind was scrambling to find an explanation as it clicked, a kid was probably either selling or buying my box. Perfect, finally after being stuck in this box again. It was about godamn fuckin' time.

2nd person pov:

"(Y/n)!! (Y/n)! Look what mommy bought me!" Your sibling waved a huge box around, you gently grabbed onto its side to examine it better.

"A jack in a box? " You read the text that was written on the old wood. "No! Actually it's Jack in THE box but this is an older model!" Your sibling continued to smile giddily as they held the box tight in their small hands. "(y/n) Take (y/s) home please. I have to rush to work, a coworker is taking me right now." Your mom explains in a rush as she's already nearly a quarter across the front yard of the garage sale and hopping into a familiar vehicle.

"My hands are coldddd" Your sibling whined the second mom and her co worker were out of sight.

"Alright, hands in pockets, ill carry this for you." You say without a care, your voice as soft as possible as you snatched the box up and tucked it under your arm and held them close with the other.

The two of you arived home safely, other than the fact that (y/s) slipped on the icy steps in front of your house and hurt themselves. "Okay, ill go put your box somewhere safe, go sit down so i can patch you up."

Your sibling nodded as they walked off into the dinning room to sit down.

Without a fuck to give you just thrusted the box onto the couch before taking off your coat and shoes.

Fortunately (y/s) didn't see your actions or they'd give you an earful about being careful with possibly fragile items.

"Ow.." They whined as you patted down their scraped knee with some rubbing alcohol. "Hey hey shhh its okay, see? You're tough it's not that bad-" Your motivational speech to your dearest sibling was cut short when your phone started ringing.

Quickly finishing the wrapping you sent (y/s) on their way to play with the new jack box or whatever it was again. "Hello?" You picked up.

"Shi- fucks sake, kurva." You heard hushed curses coming from the other end, it was Eliot. You met him a while back while you were one of the exchange students in his school back in Slovene and the two of you just instantly clicked.

"Heyyy man, how is it back in Europe." You sang, walking up the stairs to your room to have some privacy. "Cold as shit mate, theres like -3 celsius, thats like 26 degrees for you United Kingdom losers." He said, making you roll your eyes.

You were about to come up with an argument when you were rudely interrupted. "Don't you even dare say shit about my focken' land chap, you dont have a fokin' queen no more you have no right to speak while a skeleton is your new king." Eliot continued with a horrid British accent. 


I threw in a balkan friend for out loved (y/n), last time i checked the majority of my readers are also balkan like me so HIIII.

For the english only speakers ill put translations in the story i promisse, you wont be left out.

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