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     「  l a s t  w o r d s 」

❝  living or dying —a choice between threshold, gives you the chance to cherish and nourish the little fragments of calling life, you name it as you want. And each of them, plays a vital role of making as who you're today. ❞


author's note

So, this remarks the end of Elan and Evan's journey. But life doesn't end right there, neither the journey of travellers. Maybe, Evan finally learned to cope with the ups and downs, waving tides of life. But we close the door of this fictional journey and relieve the moments of realities or how it might end up in your imagination.

. . .

As I said before, I will say at last how this story came— so as much I said all characters and events have been fictional but this is inspired by real life. Yes, in reality there is no saviour or anchor to sail your boat. Even though we're looking forward with the positive note but let's just say life can be a bittersweet symphony (sometimes).

And this story is inspired by my two real life friends, unfortunately I have lost them. Life happens, many things happened —in short, we can agree that death has been an inevitable part of life. If there's a beginning, it must end too at some point. It doesn't look after how young or old you're. It can be so sudden sometimes, you can have hardly any time to process it. I wouldn't say much there (since some things are better left unsaid and private) but I wouldn't deny over the fact, I still miss them. And I will remember them til' my last breath.

This little my journey is dedicated to my those two friends who left their impact in such a short span of time and out of there, for everyone —who's struggling and battling with life each and every day. I'm proud of you!

Yes, real Elan and Evan's life never collided together but some parts have been true (with of course molded chasm)—specially the last climax of this story. I didn't make it up to give a tragic twist but it just shows how life can be unpredictable. We think, we can plan out everything but when life comes with twisted fate, we are left with no much choices.

On a better aspect, so enjoy those little moments and make it counted before it slips through your hands. Remember that, you're not alone there.

So, keep going and keep shining. You matter! :))


It's not been my finest work of fiction/light-hearted story without much graphic details or literary fiction or whatever you name it but my heartiest gratitude to you for reading til' the end!

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