six | breathe, breathe

72 15 26

— June, 2012

        Long air of a gallon jumps up & down, when slowly it sinks on the lamp of the throat and dampened the dry place; you finally let out a sigh of relief. It's only when Eddy came forward with a wool sweater in the early morning; she realised maybe love doesn't die. It still finds a way to the tiny holes of your nerves & shakes you hard to feel little moments. Elan just took it & safely kept it in the cupboard. Only at the right time, maybe she will finally speak about it.

       The bell chimes loudly, loud snorting fills the room. The side chair of Elan cracked, with someone pulling it to sit there. She didn't need to look up, the familiar scent hits up. "What's up?" Evan asks with his casual energy.

     "For now, Shakespear's romeo & juliet," Elan said in a duh tone. It's their assignment today to conclude a new twist in this classic where maybe Romeo & Juliet didn't die because of some misconception; ultimately known as the tragic love. Frankly speaking, why love always has to be found with tragedy, Elan thinks while biting hard on lips.

      "Earth to Elan Stoner!" Evan snaps his fingers rapidly, she jerks back into reality. "Yes! Tell me, how can you always be so bright? Don't you ever get tired?" She shoots the question to avoid unnecessary hinges.

      As the fastest the shocking gleam came on Evan's face, it quickly changes into a sinister smile— definitely something to hide. "If I remember correctly, your name depicts the meaning of enthusiasm but you're the opposite. One of us has to act upon this, right?" Evan replies, hanging his arm around her chair. 

    Elan snickers at the lame response, a sheet of paper suddenly falls down when a slow breeze comes over there to fan the table, Evan picks it & sees that it's a form to fill up for the applicants of their desirable University next year.

     "Nathan Miller? You're adopted?" A questioning glance fell on her face. Elan just shrugged it off, "Yes! Kind of, step-father!"

    Before he could ask anything further, Mrs. Jones came into the class and started with the verses of yesterday.

     It's later on the lunch-time when Elan is enjoying her lunch peacefully in the corner—her two friends saunter towards her table, Arya & Maryam—- "Enjoying alone?"

    Elan just nodded while munching on her sandwich, after finally devouring it; she asked— "Aren't you both gonna eat something?"

     "I have a fast today," Arya said— being an ardent follower of 'Sanatana Dharma', she regularly keeps fast & prays. Maryam is fidgeting with the loose strings of her brown scarf, Elan understands but before she could say, she should at least have a spoon of bits — the devious girls shouted, "Oh! Poor Maryam! Can't even eat properly without throwing up every second!"

      "Just watch out for your steps Becky!" Elan shouted back at them; when she glanced back at her front seat, Maryam was already gone! She must be delving into the grieving part again, pale body and feeling like gaining weight!

      It's not Maryam's fault to be honest, after all with anorexia she's come this far— Elan proud of her, yet sometimes people like Becky are enough to break the finest steak. Maryam is sobbing in the locker room, Elan finally notices her fragile frame.

       After having Elan near to her, she breaks down wholly. Elan pats her back, "Breathe! Breathe, Maryam! Inhale, exhale slowly with mine!"

     Elan is familiar with this feeling, where your inner wall starts to suffocate you and gulfing down the air & stops them to go properly in the lungs! Honestly speaking, it's not a sign of weakness but one shouldn't mock like this.

      She notices a figure in the down hall, even though she has beckoned them to come forward, they didn't. Maryam's breathing became finally even and Elan watched out on the faltering shadow. She couldn't reckon the reason for Evan's cold shoulder today.     


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