Sing For Me

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"How the hell did I not notice this set up in the back of your car? I have no idea," I said for the umpteenth time in the last hour.

Austin chuckled," You really like it, huh?"

I smiled," Duh! This setup, the view, the privacy, the you! This is perfect!"

He smiled big and scooted closer to me," The me, huh? You can thank my friends for the idea. Apparently, I was annoying everyone because you were all I pretty much talked about. I missed you a lot."

I blushed yet again. Austin had found this spot in San Francisco, an open field, that was overlooking the bay for our overnight date. I loved the view but I was curious how this was going to be an overnight thing if there's not anything or anyone near by. Then he showed me the back of his Hummer after letting down the backseats. It was set up like a bed with fluffy pillows and blankets. There's some Christmas lights hooked up for when it gets dark.

It's creative and intimate. Just him and I, I love it!

We went and got pizza and snacks before coming to our destination. We've just been sitting here watching the sunset and talking, enjoying each other's company.

"I missed you too. If I'd stop being so picky about where I live, I'd already be in LA. I'm just so used to LA, I know certain areas too well. I want to be in a populated spot but not so populated that tourists take city tour buses around the area or I'm constantly getting stuck in traffic."

"Hate to break it to you but that's majority of LA. Downtown is worse," he pointed out.

"I know, that's why I haven't found a place yet. But I also want to pick a location where a lot of things are walking distance, I hate driving."

"Well, I was able to find a really nice place after my breakup for cheap. It was meant to be a temporary place until I had time to find another reasonable home but I'm actually enjoying where I am right now. I can help you find a place if you want," he offered.

"That would help a lot. I'm too indecisive," I sighed.

"I know, like a true Libra," he joked.

"Oh shut up. I'm not that bad..."

He nodded, opened the cooler that was sitting next to him and pulled out a two glass bottles of my favorite Seagram's alcoholic drinks. I love all the flavors but my two favorite were Jamaican Me Happy and Wild Berry. I'm starting to regret telling him things because that's what he pulled out and he held them up to prove a point.

"Pick one," he smirked.

I glared at him," I hate you. You know damn well I love them both."

"So pick one," he chuckled.

I genuinely couldn't pick one. My mind was telling me one flavor while my heart is telling me the other.

"Austin, this isn't fair," I whined.

He laughed," You're only proving my point. Shall I pick for you?"

"No, I can pick. Ummmm..."

He handed me the Jamaican one, shaking his head," If you change your mind, I got the other flavors in here."

I shrugged, thanked him and opened my bottle," I promise I'm not that bad, I just...second guess myself too much. And not you supporting my underage drinking. And considering my mom gave you the cooler, she's cool with it too."

"Wait, you think she went through it?," he asked, concerned.

I giggled and nodded," My mom isn't gonna let some unknown item come in the house by someone she doesn't know. It could've been a bomb or something. But no worries, she actually approves these drinks because it's more flavor than alcohol. She gets them for me sometimes."

I Adore You (Austin Butler Love Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz