Stop Running

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"I knew I recognized you from somewhere 😏 I'm glad I was able to find you on here. I hope you don't mind me messaging you. I was hoping I could meet up with you and maybe hang out sometime soon? I would really love to see you again. If not, that's ok. I hope to hear from you."

It's literally been 2 weeks since he messaged me. I want to respond, usually I'm able to respond to people but with him...I shy away from him.

He's all I've been thinking about and I hate it. He hadn't sent me any more messages since. I don't dare tell Nola or anyone else because I don't want to hear about how I'm being a chicken.

I'm not experienced enough to flirt or let anyone think about me that way. I'm not used to it.

Well it doesn't matter because I'm starting school in a few weeks and I'm in New York with friends. Austin is out of mind. I don't want to think about him anymore. I'm going to school soon and I'll have a lot going on, I don't need the distraction.

"Ohhh Kiyyyyyy."

I blinked a few times before looking up and seeing Nola smirking at me. We were out and about after having lunch Lily Rose Depp and a few other friends. Lily had work to do so we went our separate ways and will meet up again later. Nola wanted to go shopping for a bit. She's been doing most of the shopping. I just need to stop by Victoria Secret for some more bras and panties.

"Are you back on earth yet? I need your opinion. 1 to 10 on this dress," Nola said, twirling around so I can judge the 23rd she's tried on.

She's looking for a dress because her and Kai's 2nd anniversary is coming up and he promised her a really nice date. So dress shopping it is. I've been rating pretty much all afternoon and there was some really nice ones but nothing is really sticking out so far.

After examining the golden sleeveless dress, I put my thumb down.

She smacked her lips," You haven't liked anything I've tried on."

I giggled," I'm sorry but I gotta be honest. That's what I'm here for, right?"

She sighed," Yeah. Well, I got one more dress to try on."

I stood up from the bench I've been sitting on," Ok. Give me the dresses and I'll take them up front. I'm gonna walk around for a bit, just call me when you're done."

She smiled and grabbed the clothes she already tried on. Thanking me, she closed the curtain so she could change. I went to the front to hand off the clothes to one of the employees. I started to walk around, looking at different clothes, seeing nothing interesting.

I heard the bell to door rang, signaling someone had entered. I paid it no mind and just kept looking around.

"Woo, paps getting ruthless. Somehow we lost them," a male voice said, out of breath.

"Yeah, you can thank my ex. They've been on my ass ever since she announced our breakup," another male voice said.

The second voice sounded slightly familiar but I butted myself out of their conversation as I actually see a cute crop top. The men walked past me towards the men section as I held the shirt up, examining it. I looked at the price tag. Only $20? Yep, I'm getting this.

"Have you talked to her recently? Any explanation why she did what she did?," the first voice ask.

"Nope and nope. I wish I could say it doesn't bother me but it does. I just wanna know why, that's it. She can't even give me that. I'm so confused."

"Well, what about that girl you said you messaged? Has she responded?"

The second guy laughed," No, man. I don't think she'll respond. It's unfortunate because I really want to see her again but I also don't want to rush or force anything. I'm just kinda hoping she'll respond on her own, I guess."

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