𝟏𝟔- 𝘐𝘯 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘈𝘳𝘮𝘴 𝘖𝘧 𝘏𝘪𝘴 𝘈𝘭𝘱𝘩𝘢

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At the sight of his Angel wilting on the cruel desert ground, Taehyung's grip around the lead rope tightened pulling at it as his horse picks up the pace making the raven hair of the Stygian King float back by the dry blustery wind as he rode faster towards his Omega, the vicious sand was on its knees to bow down in front of the King who owns every inch of this land blowing farther from the feet of his horse making the clear path for the sovereign to make his way towards the one that owns him

The sun that was drowning in the horizon felt as though it was melting against his skin instead of the gloomy sky, burning and blazing making his already gilded tone of skin shine like a vessel of Apollo, the sky was painted in the scarlet of love and the flaming gold of fire resembling the two souls which were about to be tamed by each other in their captivating gazes that were withering to collide, aching to be adhered by the other

The sound of the blustering wind rang in Taehyung's ears as it blew heavily and took the sand with it, making it dance along its rhythms its voice as though of a snake's hiss right before it attacked, never did his Alpha react to the way as if he was thrown down from the sky abandoned by the heavens who he failed to protect the Angel of, and now the Gods are distraught, snatching all the blessings away from him

And with a harsh pull of the lead rope, the horse's feet halted in their movements and before the sanguine eyes could shut down the Stygian King stepped down from the horse and hastened towards his spouse as his heartbeats betrayed the rhythm of his heart skipping the chore seeing his Omega falling into the darkness after the wrath of the habitat of his territory, the smothering breath that blows the sand farther from his face strikes at the Alpha's heart, he could feel the pain of the Omega aching in his bones

And the almighty King dropped on his knees falling from the grace to raise his Queen from the infuriated ground that wasn't showing any mercy to the delicate creature who lost his path and became stray in the barren land, the dainty particulars of sand and the gleaming glow of the sinking sun, the wind and the harsh sounds all combined and stood around Taehyung creating a haze of a dying fairy that sacrifice herself to make the two souls meet as she bleeds in a glorious gold spreading in the sky disowned by any clouds and the only that was written in her will was the blessing for the two to be together forever

Taehyung's arm slips under Jimin's head ascending him from the ground like a corpse rising from the grave, his bloodshot eyes flooded with tears, and his heart was struck by glee and foreign emotions that pour from his eyes perceiving the warmth of a human near him, and his brain felt the waves of relief splashing against its lonesome tide that was dying in the fear to take his last breaths alone in the arms of his murderer, the slayer sand and the slaughterer sun but his greatest rival was there taking the role of his savior becoming the serene to his throttling thoughts


and flowers blossom on Jimin's skin with Taehyung's touch that dibbles the seed gently holding him in his grip and his euphonious voice calling him back to life was like a splash of divine water and he flourished like an ivy, climbing up into the heart of the other who was now covered in the flower he blossomed becoming the God of it, that blows the soul back into the corpse of his Omega, Taehyung's mystical touch grazes over the delicate petals of his skin benign like the other will shatter from his doomed touch or will vanish away again and this time, not even the fate will bring them together, even with the sacrifice of all the fairies to ever exist the universe will still keep them apart forever

The cool air lulled Jimin's throat as it breathed in the other's scent that not only brought peace to his senses but cured the aching of his bones, the Alpha quickly takes over his duties filling the air around the Omega into the protecting and calming one dissipating the faint memory of a raging fire and loathsome vultures, burning the hell with the fire he brought, a sob escaped the shackles of Jimin's dried lips when life took a breath in him and the glass wall of Taehyung's heart he doesn't even know to exist behind the layers of thorns wrapped around it shatters by the killing sound

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