I Don't Give A Duck

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I reversed out of the driveway as quickly as I could, without being too suspicious. Though, if James' dad caught us in the truck together, he might think we'd been body snatched by aliens. That was the only valid reason I'd be hanging out with James Connor, five nights before Christmas.
"Where exactly are we going?" he demanded, pulling me out of my thoughts.
"Put your damn seat belt on, hermit."
"Hermit? Why' d you call me that?"
"I swear you havent left the house since school let out."
"Keeping tabs on me, stalker? I don't know whether to be flattered, or terrified."
I let out a groan and rolled my eyes. "You would be so lucky. But seriously, dude, you should get a life."
He leaned back in his seat and hooked one foot over a knee. "With the amount of traffic going in and out of your driveway, I think you have enough of a social life for the both of us."
"Whose the stalker now?" I huffed out a small chuckle. Maybe James wasn't as much of a dork as I'd assumed.
But then he went and ruined it.
"Seriously though, where are we going, and why are you dressed like a Christmas ninja?"
Well, I guess it had to come out sometime, and he was strapped in now.
"I like to call it Operation: getting them damn ducks in my truck."

I got that duck in my truckWhere stories live. Discover now