Part 13

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Reign, Power, Glory
(Season 3, Episode 14)

I never thought I would stand on the Dreadnought going on a mission with two Jedis. Well, maybe years ago I would have pictured it with stars in my eyes, hoping that I would get the chance one day.

I didn't wish for these circumstances though. I didn't wish for any of this. I just wanted to survive, but then I got too carried away.

We rush towards the round door that opens to show battle droids holding their guns at us.

"Halt! You are now pri—" We waste no time slashing them in half, hearing the buzz of their machinery go quiet. Rushing towards the Count's office, I realize that Dooku may be here himself. He won't recognize my face because of the mask I always used to wear, but my light hair and blue lightsabers might give me away. I'll use only one saber for now, just to be safe.

"Be aware. Dooku may very well be on this ship with the assassin," Obi Wan warns, taking my thoughts right from my head. From what I've gathered on our sprint through this overbearingly large ship, is that there are droids everywhere. They don't have an actual, living brain, yet they act with such humane stupidity.

It ceases to amaze me why the Separatists haven't made any adaptations to make them a bit smarter. Whilst Anakin and Obi Wan disable each obstacle standing in our way to the assassin, they assign me to clean-up duty. That basically means my job is to stuff every inactivated battle machine out of view, so nobody is aware we're here, which I don't get because there are security cameras at every hallway.

We reach a four-way path, with three sides filled with droids, including the hallway we came from.

"Those numbers will only grow if we run away. I'll stay to take them out and you both go find Savage Opress," I advise, ready to finally have some real fun on this mission.

"What? No-" Anakin starts.

"Yes. Let's go, Anakin. She'll be fine," Obi Wan agrees with my plan, but for some reason Skywalker is so quick to refuse. I'm starting to think that everything that comes out of my mouth will always be contradicted by him. I notice he's hesitant to leave but does so any way at his master's request. Focusing my attention on the growing battle before me, my face lightens up like the Suns returning to its home in the sky.

This is where the fun begins...

Anakin's POV:

I was reluctant to leave her behind, but I don't know why. I don't know the reason for half the things I say or do for her, I just act without a thought in my mind. Well, the only thing that's going through my head almost every second of the day is her.


Kora, Kora, Kora.

I've never known such a flowing name until I first let the sound roll of my tongue. It's not like I'm completely infatuated with her, I just enjoy the sound of that particular name that happens to belong to her.


"Anakin, what are you muttering now?" Obi Wan asks from my right, and I realize I've been whispering her name under my breath, testing it on my lips. I am the only one to know her name. Just me. Only me. Mine to keep. Mine.

"Nothing, Master," I respond briskly, acting as though Obi Wan is the crazy one for hearing my obsessive thoughts spoken out loud. There is no sign of droids here, the halls slightly reverberating our airy steps, a distant call that never quite reaches.

"Good thing Silver stuck behind, or else we would be flooded with battle droids right about now," My former Master breathes, a slight trimmer to his uneven breath. We've been sprinting for minutes now, trying to reach Dooku's office that is on the complete other side of the landing zone. I'm not sure if that location was chosen cleverly or stupidly.

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