Part 3

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The Unspoken Glances

Third-Person POV:

Their bodies close, the only thing keeping them apart are their lightsabers. About to engage in a battle she did not fully expect, Kora studies the Jedi in front of her.

His sandy brown hair flows in waves, no padawan braid in sight. He is broad and tall, the bounty hunter would estimate about 6'2.

From the way he is standing, he fights more on the offensive but is alert enough to withstand defence. His position makes him seem arrogant and reckless, though it is powerful and secure.

The Jedi's jaw is sharp, his nose shaped with excellency, and his lips are a cupid-bow shape.

Kora lifts her gaze to his eyes, the icy blue glare setting in that screams rage. He portrays me as the villain, Kora thinks to herself.

But the constitution that defines a villain changes when you look through another's eyes.

Her quick study and analysis only takes a couple seconds; the trained bounty hunter being used to her thoughts rocketing around in orbit to her mind.

Pushing her two sabers against his, she fights his strength with gritted teeth.

Anakin's POV:

The Boundless Jedi stands in front of me, facing towards her target. I'm not too particularly fond of the pirates and they aren't necessarily a good group, so I decide to wait until after the kill to come out of the shadows.

Being patient like this isn't really my speed, but if this bounty hunter has some sort of Jedi training like me, I'll try not to act recklessly.

The key word is try. Usually, I end up doing it my way and get scolded by Obi Wan, but when it works out he shows a hint of gratitude.

After all, it was my impulsive endeavours that have saved his skin countless of times. I believe we even have a count going. It's at four, for now.

I can immediately identify her because of her silver hair, but the whole outfit feels out of place for a bounty hunter.

I'm guessing she came in disguise not thinking a certain handsome Jedi would come and disturb her little killing routine.

With an ambiance of elegance, the girl says something corny and throws her sabers in the air. My guess is that she's gonna use the force to shoot those babies right into the guys chest.

Bingo, she does exactly what I predicted. Clever move that isn't done too much. I would do it but Obi Wan would say I shouldn't horse around with my sabers, and that they are my life.

In a aggressive manner, I speed towards her and ignite my lightsaber. Swinging it down at her, knowing she would block it, her body turns and two blue sabers clash with mine.

Her eyes don't immediately meet mine, instead they appear to be analyzing every single thing about my appearance.

She holds her strength well while she eyes me, until in a matter of seconds her eyes meet mine.

The Boundless Jedi (anakin skywalker)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora