Part 6

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Agree to Disagree

I woke up early in the afternoon with an aching back due to the hard bed. Rising from the bed, I see a folded stack of clothing on the table next to me.  Rye is still asleep on the end of the bed with a small, squeaky snore.

I reach over and brush my hands over the fabric. Looking through the garments, I saw a long, tan shirt and some dark brown pants. Making sure the door is closed, I rip off the bottom half of my dress, leaving the top so I have some support for my breasts.

Then I toss the shirt onto me and notice how big it is. Next, I slip on the pants and as soon as I let go they fall down. Huffing to myself, I pick up the ripped dress and tear another long piece of fabric.

I turn and see Rye peak an eye open at my movements, but he closes his eyes and goes back to sleep.

Putting the pants back on, I tie the fabric around tightly, then repeat the process a second time just for safety measures. After pulling my boots onto my feet, I make my way outside.

"Morning," Anakin greets me, him sitting on top of one of the boulders I was moving yesterday. His eyes are closed in concentration as a clutter of flowers are flowing around him slowly.

"Why did you let me sleep in?" I question, walking towards the Jedi. He opens his eyes and meets them with mine, but his focus doesn't strain on the flowers surrounding him.

"Figured you needed it," he responded casually.

"You were the one up all night," I remarked. He pushes his tongue to his cheek and looks away.

"Yeah, well it's something I'm used to," he shared. Hopping down from the boulder, he stands right in front of me. For a couple of seconds there is just silence, us staring at one another.

Anakin clears his throat and suggests, "We should probably leave now since we're off schedule,"

"And whose fault is that?" I tease with a grin and walk back towards the ship, my shoulder knocking against his in the process.

I'm now sitting in the co-pilot's seat, waiting for the idiot to come fly us out of here. After all, he is the one that told me we should leave right this moment.

I hear footsteps and Anakin plops down into the seat next to me, a pair of cuffs in his hands. He notices the glare I'm giving him and he explains, "The council wouldn't exactly be happy if I came in with you strutting around freely,"

"Strutting? Where'd you get that from?"

"Your walk is... confident. Like your the most powerful in any room," The Jedi answers and I tilt my head slightly.

"Why are you watching how I walk?" I ask and he replies with a scoff. I reach my hand out and grab the cuffs from his grip. Clicking them around my wrists, I feel the force diminish as soon as the lights on them brighten.

"There. Happy?" I informed sassily.

    "Very," he responds while he starts to turn on every component to the ship. I notice he forgot to turn on the compressors so I reach my locked hands over and click them on.

The Boundless Jedi (anakin skywalker)Where stories live. Discover now