Part 9

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"I'm here to try and assess you," the Carosite, known as renowned phycological medical expert Liyia Dozii, currently tries to pull an answer out of me. I haven't spoken one word for ten minutes, yet she still persists on getting me to speak. I didn't plan to, but her next words have peaked my attention.

"And I cannot do that unless you cooperate. Your executive agreement to this alignment with the Jedi Order goes under my direct influence, meaning that you are not allowed to avoid my assessment, and thus alignment will be terminated without your cooperation."

"I didn't say yes to this...whatever this is, in particular, only to working for the Jedi, and in return avoiding prison," She scoffs at this, her void of emotions slightly breaking under the pressure of her growing agitation.

When Skywalker said someone was waiting for me outside my quarters I was at first not too alarmed, figuring it would only be a Jedi wishing to consult me about a mission. What I didn't expect was to be interrogated out of the blue like I'm a client trying to produce an alibi for my misdoings. On second thought, that is exactly what I am.

"You have to understand that nobody has actual, certified information of your identity. Right now, you shouldn't exist, but you do, and it's my job to figure out who you really are. Please, start with something simple, just one sentence, one hint, is all I want right now," she persuades with an earnest look.

A realization comes into my head. Anakin hasn't told  anyone my name, not her, not the council. I never asked him of that, but it's as if he knew that it was a unspoken secret meant to be kept.

"Truth be told, I never thought about telling anyone about myself. The thought of standing in a room full of people and not one of them truly knowing my story excites me. I have all the power in that room, yet they don't even know it," She stares at me blankly, waiting for my closed book to open back up. "So why should I tell you? After all, my power is all I have in this world,"

Consultant Dozzi writes something down immediately after I speak the last sentence. Kriff, maybe what I added was too much, or maybe it was enough to keep her away for a bit. The psychologist stands up, her tall figure almost reaching the ceiling, and begins to walk to the door.

"Thank you for your time Miss..." She pauses not knowing what to call me.

"Silver," I add, pointing to my head. "Matches the hair." With a small nod, she slips out the door smoothly as it opens for her.

Getting up to set the automatic door to locked, I hear muffled voices out in the hallway. I cant exactly make out what they say, but I recognize who is involved in the discussion. Leaning my body against the wall, I wait for him enter and bring his arrogant energy in with him.

The door slides open and in walks Anakin Skywalker, his arms crossed with a stern look on his face. Once his eyes meet mine, his glare becomes more pronounced and so does my growing annoyance.

"Must you always be so negligent?" he questions rhetorically, striding towards me. I don't straighten my posture in an effort to make myself feel less small, even though I really want to.

"Must you always lurk wherever I am?" I retort, also not looking for an answer, but being the aggravating man he is, Skywalker so kindly delivers one.

"Well it is my duty. You do know you're one of the Republic's most-wanted criminals, right?"

"No, I actually didn't know that, but thanks. Now I kinda feel honoured," I can't help but grin at my own response, proud of how quickly I threw that out there.

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