Part 11

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In Due Time
(Season 3, Episode 14)

"You can let me down now," I speak, arms wrapped around his neck, so I don't fall to the ground if he releases me.

"No," Skywalker replies simply, nothing else to add.

"Let me down," I hiss, but he still walks on not paying attention to my command.

"Who is this Mother Talzin?" he asks Obi Wan.

I remove my arms from around his neck and cross them over my chest, annoyed at the Jedi who won't let me go. That's when he peeks his gaze down at me, only to find me glaring up at him. That leaves him smiling when he looks back at his Master.

"She's the leader of an ancient order of witches, the Night Sisters," Obi Wan defines more perfectly than I could have myself.

"Great. Warrior-like men, witches... Oh, this place is all kinds of fun," Anakin jokes sarcastically.

"Mother Talzin won't kill us as long as we don't do anything she doesn't like." I chime in, causing the two men to switch their gazes onto me.

"And what if we do something she doesn't like?" Anakin asks stupidly.

"She'll cast a spell on us," I answer truthfully, no hint of sarcasm in my voice, but Skywalker takes it as it isn't and smirks.

"She sounds lovely," Skywalker adds, this time sarcasm is laced in his voice as it wasn't with mine.

"I'm glad you think so," Obi Wan responds playfully.

Time to visit an old client, I suppose.


Peering out of the ship, my remembrance of Dathomir plays in my mind. The landscape outside looks exactly like it used to all those years ago, still a murky red tint and surrounded by a jungle of dead trees.

In comparison to the village, we visited on the other side of the Planet, this part is way more ominous and fills my senses with unease.

"I don't know much of Mother Talzin, but I don't expect to be welcome here," Obi Wan comments whilst getting up from his seat and patting Anakin on his shoulder.

Anakin chuckles, "You never know. I tend to be popular with the ladies." He tosses his saber in his hand and looks down at me standing up behind his chair, while wiggling his brows suggestively.

I scoff and shove past him, but the slight flutter in my stomach tells me I'm not as immune to his charms as I think I am.

"Too popular, but clearly not enough to enchant Silver," Obi Wan's voice echoes and I can't help but laugh at his random comment. I follow him down the platform and down onto the crimson dirt ground, Anakin not far behind. The first steps I take connect me with the Force around me, my senses signaling that we are not alone.

"Oh, my charm has already taken its place in her heart. She just doesn't know it yet," He teases.

"I miss Annoying Anakin," I grumble, not happy with the way his confidence is making me feel.

"Believe me, Flirting Anakin is a sight I rarely ever want to see," Obi Wan jokes, causing a smirk to reach my lips.

"Hey!" Skywalker says offended, picking up his step so he's in between me and Master Kenobi. Suddenly, Master Kenobi moves his hand in front of Skywalker, causing us both to freeze.

"We've got company," Obi Wan flicks his gaze up towards the thick branches of the trees. Raising my head towards the sky, I see a flash of two hooded figures holding a glowing weapon. They all jump from the trees, and others hiding within the forest come out with their arrows drawn pointed towards us.

Anakin places his hand on my stomach and pushes me slightly behind him, but there is no place where I can't be targeted. Where all of us can't be targeted.

We put our hands up in defeat when two Night Sisters come up and take our lightsabers from us. I want to stop her from taking both of mine, but Obi Wan gives me a look that tells me to stay put.

"Jedi, come with us," A sister says, her odd voice similar to what I imagined a witch to sound like. Herself, along with another sister, holds knives to our backs as we move forward to most likely see the Mother.

The walk doesn't take long as we enter a cave that is lit by the gloomy teal glow of an unknown substance, and bubbles of light that cover the stone structure. Climbing up the steps, I see Mother Talzin sitting at a dining table with a crystal globe. I stride around the table to sit at the other end when I notice that Obi Wan and Anakin claimed their two seats next to each other.

"Master Kenobi," Mother Talzin greets, her voice reverberating an eerie buzz around the cave.

"Mother Talzin, thank you for your hospitality," the Master Jedi returns the gesture as if they are warm friends meeting once again.

"I believe you have a question for me," she predicts whilst standing up from her seat. I eye Anakin who has his arms crossed and eyes closed for what reason, I'm not sure.

"Yes, you're right," he agrees. The Mother steps around the table amidst his explanation. "We've had reports of a Dathomiri male on the loose. He's already killed two Jedi. Perhaps you know who he is?"

"Master Jedi, we have no control over the males. Our clan has been in exile for years," she lies swiftly, no hint other than the word of the Dathomiri male leader.

"Don't play innocent with me, Mother. Everyone in the galaxy knows females are dominant on this planet," I try to give Obi Wan a look of warning, but he goes on. "I do not believe anything happens here without your clan knowing about it."

"To think that the Jedi collect their facts from mere rumors," she passes my seat not sparing me a glance, but then runs her hands over Skywalker's chair once she walks behind him.

"Rumors. You call two dead Jedi rumors?" Anakin seethes, standing up from his seat and leaning over the table towards the Mother.

Obi Wan and I both stand with him reaching his arm to stop Anakin from pursuing something recklessly. The passionate Jedi Knight stops, getting back his composure.

"This thing... this animal is extremely dangerous. If you have any information about his whereabouts, you must tell us," Obi Wan urges, a raise in his voice that I haven't heard before. Mother raises her hands over the globe and an image begins to appear amongst the smoke inside.

"Savage. Savage Opress," she names, then puts down her hands and the globe goes back to its orange glow.

"Mother?" Obi Wan inquires, needing more information.

"He is on Toydaria," she reveals.

"Thank you," the Master Jedi says quickly and races away down towards the steps.

Anakin goes to follow whilst I stop and look at the Mother, wondering why she didn't show any recognition nor call me by the name she knows.

"In due time," Is all she states before I run after the two Jedi.


Hi guys. I posted two chapters in one day holy shit, but let's just say I had time to write today. Sorry this chapter isn't as eventful, it's kinda filler. Make sure to comment, question, or just say something in the comment section! Onto the next part...

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