Part 23

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(Season 3, Episode 16-17)

His heart stops when Ahsoka collapses, causing me to fall back and hold my chest. It beats in perfect rhythm once I settle my nerves.

"No!" Anakin screams, rushing towards his fallen Padawan. The Son waves his hand and sends him flying backwards, slamming him onto the cold ground. I watch the Son hold the dagger up above his head, preparing to strike down his father. He does with no hesitation, but it does not pierce his intended target.

The daughter interferes last minute, putting her own body in between the blade of death and her loved one. It drives through her chest smoothly, as if she were like us, human. Her brother backs away and looks at his hands, horrified by what he has done.

"Why?" His yell echoes through the sky, thunder and lightning crackling down with it.

He flies up into the clouds, leaving no trace but his remorse behind. Freed from our trance of shock, we all rush towards Ahsoka, unmoving from her place on the stone floor. When Anakin turns her over, her eyes are now rolled to the back of her head, leaving only a amorphous cloud of a milky white.

"...All is lost. The balance has been broken. I thought by bringing you here, I would..." the Father stops his sentence, shaking his head in agony. "But I have destroyed everything."

"Can you help her?" Anakin pleads to him, looking at the Daughter who has only but a few moments left to live.

"There is no light. The evil has been unleashed, and the dark side shall consume her," The Father informs with sad eyes focused towards his daughter. His loss is as plentiful as ours, though Anakin doesn't give up.

"You must help her!" The tormented Jedi urges, a plead in his forceful voice.

"I cannot undo what is done..." the Father snaps back, then continues slowly. "There is no hope."

"Yes, there is. There's always hope!" Anakin counters, growing more agitated by the second. His emotions are unraveling before us, flows of fear, anger, and despair resonating in the air surrounding the life.

The Elder closes his eyes and lowers his head in shame, shame for the decision he made to bring us here, and shame that he made us stay. The Daughter reached her hand up to cup her father's cheek, and uses the other to point towards Ahsoka. It's that moment he understands her last wishes.

Standing to his feet, he beckons for Anakin to kneel between the two weakened forces of life.

"Then let my daughter's last act be to breathe life into your friend," Anakin hovers his fingers above both of their foreheads, and the glow of life shines off of his skin.

His light blinds me, and I bury my eyes in the crook of my elbow, clenching them closed to welcome the relaxing darkness. Once the brightness dims, I slowly pull my face away to see if Anakin's attempt worked. I don't see it at first, but the second time I look towards Ahsoka, the once discoloured tint of her skin lightens to its vibrant orange.

The girl coughs, breathing in the air she once lost. Anakin rushes to her side, hugging her tightly like a caring older brother.

"Hey, Snips," he laughs softly and lets his Padawan go.

"What's going on?" Her small voice cracks, still weakened by the effects of death. I bend down to her other side, placing my hand on her back as a comforting gesture. She looks around inquisitively, waiting for a proper answer.

"Uh, not much. It's good to see you," Anakin avoids telling her just yet, probably aiming to not confuse her even more. While Anakin helps her to her feet, I eye the Father who just stares ahead at nothing.

The Boundless Jedi (anakin skywalker)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin