Chapter 1: A Mysterious Encounter

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Shi_Kira here and for the first time something original and not copied. 

Maybe I'll start to take some of those requests seriously. 

Who knows. 

Anyway I hope you enjoy this. 


Naruto Uzumaki had always dreamed of becoming the Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village. However, he knew that this was a lofty goal, and that he had a long way to go before he could achieve it. He was determined to work hard, and to never give up on his dream.

One day, while he was out on a mission, Naruto stumbled upon a strange cave. He had never seen it before, and he was curious about what was inside. He cautiously entered the cave, and was surprised to find an old man sitting inside.

The man had a long beard and was dressed in a tattered robe. He looked up as Naruto entered, and smiled at him.

"Greetings, young one," the man said. "I have been expecting you."

Naruto was taken aback. He had never met this man before, and he had no idea how he could have been expecting him.

"Who are you?" Naruto asked.

"I am a traveler of time," the man replied. "I have come to offer you a second chance."

Naruto was confused. He didn't understand what the man was talking about.

"A second chance?" Naruto asked.

"Yes," the man said. "A chance to go back in time and change the course of your life. To make different choices, and to create a new future for yourself."

Naruto was skeptical. He didn't know if he could trust this strange man, or if he even believed in time travel. But there was something in the man's eyes that made him believe that he was telling the truth.

"What do I have to do?" Naruto asked.

The man smiled. "Simply close your eyes, and concentrate. Imagine a time in your past where you wish you could have made a different choice. Focus all of your energy on that moment, and let the rest take care of itself."

Naruto did as he was told. He closed his eyes and concentrated, focusing on a moment in his past where he had made a mistake. He felt a strange sensation, and suddenly he was being pulled through time.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself in a completely different place. It was the Hidden Leaf Village, but everything looked different. He had a second chance, and he was determined not to waste it. 

Naruto looked around, feeling a sense of familiarity, but everything seemed different. The colors were brighter, the buildings looked newer, and the people were younger. He looked down at himself and noticed that he was wearing his old orange jumpsuit. It was the one he used to wear when he was a Genin. He felt a rush of excitement and hope. This was his chance to change everything.

As Naruto began to explore the village, he noticed that everything was exactly as he remembered it, except for the people. The faces he knew so well had become younger versions of themselves. He saw his sensei, Kakashi, walking with his two students, Sasuke and Sakura. They looked like they were on their way to a mission.

Naruto felt a twinge of sadness as he watched them walk away. He remembered the pain he had felt when Sasuke had left the village to seek out Orochimaru. He had never been able to bring him back, and he had lost his best friend in the process. Naruto knew that this was his chance to change things.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2023 ⏰

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