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Outside the court room, Nell was pushed to where I was standing. Heck told us what had happened.

"Well, we tried and failed," I said.

"Yes," Miss Nell said, "but didn't we fail grandly!"

"Grandly? Well, I guess we did. But, it's alright, Miss Nell," I said. "I knew the odds weren't good going in. Thank you for coming and for testifying. It means so much to me."

"I had to do it, Leah. If not for you, then for myself.

I was so angry that you did not come home with me that night. I threw a temper tantrum, refusing to even think about trying those boys for stealing my car.

But I really had time to think things through clearly, I became enraged, at myself mostly, for letting you down. You have a right to do as you please. To work for whomever you choose.

To think that someone brutalized you that way, and on top of that, stole my car!

It was outrageous. Your prosecutor sent word that someone had come forward saying that those Crandell boys were bragging about riding around in my Cadillac.

That made my blood boil. I mean to tell you.

So, I decided that it really didn't matter if the world saw me as a cripple. We lost, but at least we had our day in court!

Leah, I miss you. I never realized how much you meant to me until I got back home in that lonely house. Of course, I have another maid. But it will never be the same. Are you happy here?"

"Yes, ma'am. I am. The sheriff is a good man."

"Then, it is settled. I really was furious with you, you know."

I shook my head.

"But if you ever wish to come home, my door is always opened to you. Now, it is time to beat my sword into a plowshare. I am glad I went through this, if only for the chance to see you, again. Good-bye, Leah. I wish you all the best."

"Good-bye, Miss Nell."

With those words, Miss Nell was pushed to her awaiting car.

"She's a finer woman than I ever gave her credit for," Heck said.

"You heard, then."

"Yup. I'm glad you two have buried the hatchet."

"Me, too."

"I'll be late for supper, Leah. I just got word that Sumter Sebastian wants to see me at the big house. When a Sebastian beckons, you jump and never hesitate. At least you don't if you're the Sheriff of Lafayettah County."

"It's bad news, isn't it," I said, reading something in his eyes.

"Yeah. It has to be, or Sumter'd never ask to see me. Just put supper in the warmer, and I'll eat it whenever I can."

"Be careful, Heck. I don't like the way that Clancy was looking at you."

"Don't worry about Clancy. I can take care of myself. You lock the doors tight. Don't let anyone in, even Anjohn. I'll go see what Sebastian wants. I sure hope this thing will all die down with time," he said, turning toward the sheriff's office across the square. 

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