Chapter 3

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Next to the small locker, where I kept my instant food and emergency snacks, hung my tablet, already showing me a bunch of new delivery requests. After quickly reading through, I sent the delivery lists to the storage and began opening the storage hatch.

A few old boxes and empty vegetable nets were still stacked in the far back. I had always successfully overlooked them in procrastination, but right now I took anything to keep my mind busy.

Just when I came out the storage, carrying the dusty boxes and nets, the owner of the dock next to mine had parked her ship.

Great. Just the company I needed.

I tried to get to the dumpster pipe, without revealing that I didn't want to be spotted by running, but I could already hear the doors opening with a hiss behind me.


I froze for a second and turned around with the most annoyed smile I could master.

"M'Kaan", I mumbled and nodded shortly into her direction.

I made my way to the dumpster, hoping the encounter was over and I could go about my day unbothered, but she actually had the audacity to step onto my dock.

"Doing cleaning, I see. Did you not get any requests today? Again?", she asked, every word dripping with fake pity.

I didn't even make the effort to reply. I knew she would only take enjoyment in my misery.

Eenya and I had become competitors not long after we had gotten our docks newly assigned. We had never been friends, mere good acquaintances, but rivalry had taken over our relationship fast with the first few big jobs. We didn't let each other win, if the other could prevent it.

To my silence she sighed theatrically: "Too sad. But not everyone can be good enough to deliver to the Two Moon's Gala I guess."

Now that was something I could not keep quiet over. It had been a week ago when the request had come in, asking for the best on our dock as fast as possible and naturally I had signed up immediately. Just as I had wanted to send my number, everything had broken down, my whole electric connection completely cut off for a minute. When the power came back Eenya had already gotten the job.

"Oh right. And because you know I'm better, you had to cheat me out of it!", I snapped angrily.

I threw the boxes down the pipe and turned around to face her. I was staring right into her oceanic blue eyes looking down on me. She didn't flinch when the lid of the dumpster fell shut with a bang.

"That was a once in a lifetime opportunity and you played dirty. I know it. And when I figure out how, then-"

She giggled: "What? Are you going to tell them? They don't care as long as their stuff arrives on time. Get over it."

I pressed my lips together, steaming. How could someone be so self-centred and rude?!

I snapped: "Get off my dock, F-"

Her eyebrows shot upwards and it was like every fibre of her body became alert. I even saw her web shaped ears twitch.

"Forget it", I corrected myself and walked past her to my ship.

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