Chapter 16: clash of darkins

Start from the beginning

Once Sunborns have arrived at the southern gates, those that can fly hovered above the walls while those who can't, climbed up the walls and stood at the top witnessing many voidborn charging towards the walls, all were roaring ferociously

Aatrox gritted his teeth as he flew up the walls raising his sword "WE FIGHT!" Aatrox cries out as he flies to the charging voidborns

The other Sunborn raised their weapons "THEY BLEED!" The other Sunborns followed as Joraal and the other Sunborns that can't fly, jump down the wall and charged towards the voidborn

As they got closer a massive voidborn bursts out of the ground as it charged towards Joraal who raises his shield blocking the attack as Joraal charges forward slamming his shield onto the voidborn as he kept on charging plowing through the other voidborn

Flashback End

Jaune is seen charging towards a raider as he kept on charging plowing through the other raiders sending them flying up or knocking them aside

A raider snuck up behind Jaune and tried to strike him down only for Jaune to duck down as the raider was met by a boomerang blade to the face, the boomerang blade returns to it's owner Sivir as she slams the blade to the face of two raiders charging behind her

Sivir sighed and looks at Jaune "Hey blondie, get the people to safety, I'll let them go after me" Sivir ordered as Jaune looked at her feeling suspicious

"What gave you the idea that they're after you?" Jaune asks

"These guys captured me before because I am the descendant of some royal bloodline, hell I don't even know who's royal blood I got" Sivir spoke which peeked Jaune's interest

"How did you got out?"

Sivir smiled "They're perverts, it's easy to tempt them with swaying hips" Sivir said as she tosses her boomerang blade as it struck the head on of one raider as it bounces to another raider then another until it finally returns to her hand

Suddenly Jaune began looking around him as he felt the urge to run away for some reason which didn't make sense, but he also sense a strong being behind the walls outside the city, he couldn't understand these feeling but soon he rushes to where Blake and Jun are "How's the evacuation going?" Jaune asks Blake as she turns to Jaune

"The Winchesters are safe as well as some of the civilians, but there are still other civilians out there" Blake explained with a tone of worry in her voice

Just as Jaune was about to say something, a part of the walls suddnely explode causing debris to fly around the arena, Jaune pulls both Blake and Jun behind a house to take cover while some of the huntsmen and raiders tried to find cover

Some were able to take cover others unfortunately weren't as dust fills the area, Jaune peeks out and looks around to see if anyone was unfortunate to not take cover so he could take them to safety, as the dust began to clear Jaune looks in horror at the creature that bursted through the wall

The creature stood at about 8 feet tall and was some kind of anthropomorphic crocodile, it had a shell full of spikes, as it carried a large cresent blade with three eyes, the creature was also glowing demonic red somewhat similar to a Grimm

The creature stood at about 8 feet tall and was some kind of anthropomorphic crocodile, it had a shell full of spikes, as it carried a large cresent blade with three eyes, the creature was also glowing demonic red somewhat similar to a Grimm

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