Part 118: And life goes on

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Lily sighed as she sat in Jacob's office. Mitchell, demanding to see more of the castle, had been led off by her uncle Neville, to see all he could see. And Lily, now having time to get out of the classroom, had taken the time to come to her old headmaster's office to sit and think.

Perhaps they hadn't changed anything years ago. Maybe you just couldn't change some things and some people. And maybe it wasn't she that had failed. Maybe it was just the failure to pass on what she and those in her year had done.

Lily didn't pay attention as the door to the office opened. "Ah, Lily, you really are here!"

In surprise, Lily turned to see that Johnny Pritchard was walking into the office. Lily stood up and hugged him. "Johnny! I never thought I'd see you here of all places!"

Johnny smiled as they pulled away from the hug. "Well I too was asked to talk to students. Although I made sure to come yesterday and at least have a big look around the school I never got to attend," he joked.

"What did you talk about?" Lily asked, but it hit her as soon as the words left her mouth.

"About Squibs," Johnny said as they both moved to sit down. "Jacob wanted me to come and explain my life after learning of being a Squib. How my family handled it, how I handled it, what my life was like, how it is now, what I went through, and such. I couldn't say no when he asked."

"There aren't kids here that hate Squibs too, are there?" Lily groaned.

Johnny laughed. "No, no, I don't think so. Jacob said that he'd heard me talk at a group counseling session about how to live with being a Squib, and said he thought it'd be great for kids to hear."

"You talked at a counseling session?" Lily questioned.

Johnny nodded. "Yes, that's what I do now. I work in a place that helps people through problems, and being a Squib, or having one in the family, is included in that. Actually, I work with your sister-in-law, Stacy. Her office is not far down the hall from my own."

"But I thought you were going to school to get a muggle job?" Lily asked.

"I still go to school," Johnny assured. "The way I do it is what muggles call unconventional, but I do it. But when I was offered the position to help others that are just coming into my situation, I couldn't say no. So I work most days of the week."

"I thought you weren't sure if you wanted to work within the magical world?" Lily pointed out.

Johnny gave a small grin. "I wasn't sure. But then . . . I finally told my longtime girlfriend about what I am, and what my family is."

"Really? How did that go?"

Johnny sighed. "Well, it was . . . a shock for her. A bit of disbelief. Well, a lot actually. And there was honestly a period where we didn't see each other while she . . . processed what I'd told her. But we're ok now. And when we began to talk about things, honestly and in-depth, she suggested that I stay in the magical world. And when the job opportunity came, she urged me to take it."

Lily smiled. "Well I'm glad it's worked out for you. That doesn't always happen."

"I'm extremely lucky," Johnny said with a nod. "And for that, I'm extremely grateful."

"You know, I still haven't met Cassidee, although I've heard all about her," Lily teased.

Johnny chuckled. "You'll love her. We'll have to have dinner sometime."

"How long have you been dating?" Lily inquired.

"Years," Johnny said simply. "I've lost track. But . . . well don't tell my siblings, but we've planned to get married."

Slytherin's Potter ( Scorpius Malfoy x Lily Luna Potter)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin