Part 92: A generations mistake

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Lily took in a breath of cold and crisp air as she circled the pitch. Only days after Valentine's Day, and the Quidditch match with Ravenclaw was in full swing. But luck was on Slytherin's side this match. Ravenclaw was nothing without the Scamander twins as its Beaters. Not to mention that they'd also lost a great Chaser, and their Seeker, due to graduation the previous year. Lily was starting to understand how Hufflepuff had creamed them in their match together. The match had barely started, and Slytherin was already up eighty points. And not one of their players had taken a Bludger hit, unlike two of their Chasers. Courtney had already rocked Randy Davies pretty good, and Tanner had most likely broken the arm of their new Chaser, Nadia's little brother Joey.

"And Pritchard makes the catch! He passes it off to Warrington, who dodges past young Belby, and ducks under his sister! He passes off to Higgs, who barrels past Davies, dodges a Bludger, and take a shot . . . and it's good! Ten more points to Slytherin!" Barnes announced.

Lily had given her team a small talk on what she wanted for this game. Fewer injuries, a bigger lead, and she wanted Tanner and Courtney to tear apart their team one player at a time. Lily did not want anything near a repeat of their game against Gryffindor. This time, they were going to win without a doubt.

"Goldstein throws the Quaffle to Davies! He quickly tosses it off to Nadia Belby, and she quickly and barely dodges past Higgs. She makes it half way down the field before passing it back to Davies! Davies is going, but Pritchard is getting close. Robert Pritchard has one of the best records for numbers of steals here at Hogwarts, and Davies needs to worry. Oh! But Davies passes it off to Belby just as Pritchard closes in! Oh!" The crowd groaned and gasped with Barnes. "Ow! Davies takes a Bludger to the stomach! He's still on his broom, but he's coughing up a storm! That's the second Bludger he's taken in this match, both at the hand of Courtney Derrick!"

Lily looked down at the game below her. She could see Randy doubled over, his arms around his stomach, the game still going on around him. Nadia still had the Quaffle, but Lily could see John and Lance closing in on her. She turned her eyes back onto the cold sky around her, continuing her search for the Snitch.

"Higgs and Warrington are pressing on Belby," Barnes commented. "Looks like they plan to keep on it until she gets to the goals . . . or not? They're pulling away . . . oh! And Belby takes a Bludger right to the back! She drops the Quaffle, and Warrington grabs it from the air. He takes off, while Higgs makes sure Belby doesn't fall. She looks steady, but she's heading for the ground. Higgs takes off toward his teammate."

Lily circled around faster, her eyes scanning for the Snitch as her mind calculated over how big a lead they wanted. Ravenclaw had yet to score, and after hearing Barnes announce Lance scoring another goal, Lily knew they were up a hundred. Lily knew that Ravenclaw was not who they had to worry about, but Hufflepuff wasn't far from Slytherin in the race for the Cup. So how many points did Lily want to be leading with before she caught the Snitch?

Lily stopped moving, and looked around her. Along with Barnes commenting on the game, the students were cheering around her. And as she looked, she couldn't see Nadia on the pitch anymore. Had she missed an announcement about her? Barnes was usually quick to update the crowd if a player was injured, or not returning.

Then she scanned around until she found Ravenclaw's new Seeker circling the pitch, a little lower than Lily had been circling. Candy Entwhistle was a third year, and a decent player. Apparently during the match against Hufflepuff, she was the one who caught the Snitch. Hufflepuff still beat them by a good number of points, but it had gained Entwhistle some attention. She had beaten Kimberly Rickett in a race for the Snitch, and accepted the loss of the game as a whole with grace.

Lily looked the young girl over. Lily herself had beaten Rickett, and apparently, Entwhistle and Rickett had been pretty even before Entwhistle snatched it. Using a lot of faith and confidence, Lily was sure she could beat her. Lily had been playing longer, and she had a lot more experience. Not to mention, Lily wasn't afraid to take an injury in order to win. And from what Lance had told Lily, the match between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff hadn't been too violent a game. There were only a few minor injuries in total. No one was knocked.

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