Part 24: How unfair life can be

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Lily paced in front of the doors in the Entrance Hall, waiting impatiently for Professor Brown to get there. She'd had a small breakfast, not feeling up to eating. Her mind kept moving back to the fight last night. Every time she'd looked toward the Gryffindor table, she couldn't help but notice that Paige Wilde was missing from the table. She was waiting for one of the Professors to swoop down on her and hand her a thousand more detentions.

"Miss Potter!"

Lily jumped. She turned around to see Professor Brown was finally coming toward her. "Professor," she sighed.

"Are you ready? Someone to take notes? Homework took care of?" Professor Brown asked.

Lily thought of everything. Lola was taking notes, she had taken care of her potion before breakfast, her homework was done the night before, and she'd shut Paige Wilde's mouth. That was all that came to her mind. "Yes. I'm ready."

Professor Brown opened the doors. "Then let's go." Lily followed him out of the castle and across the grounds. "My office looks very nice, by the way. Thank you."

Lily shrugged. "No problem at all, sir."

"And I hear that you had an interesting talk with Professors Dumbledore and Snape?" he inquired.

Lily tensed slightly behind him. What had they said? "Yes," she said carefully. "You could say that. It was more like witty banter though."

The headmaster laughed as he opened the gate, waving Lily through. "I'm not surprised. Albus Dumbledore has become famous for that while a portrait."

Once the gate had closed, Professor Brown led her a bit more up the trail toward Hogsmeade. But they didn't go the entire way. Halfway there, he held out his arm. Wordlessly, Lily took his arm. Quickly, she felt the twisted and sickening feeling of being sucked through a tight tube. When her feet touched back on the ground, Lily sucked in a deep and needed breath. "Bloody hell," she muttered.

"I quite agree. But I'm not a fan of Flooing," Professor Brown told her. "Wait here a moment."

As he walked away from her, Lily looked around. The room they were in was white, with floors and walls. There were seats everywhere, most of them filled with people, some normal, but some with obvious problems, such as distorted skin, strange appendages, and problems talking. But Lily recognized the place where she stood. She'd come here three times that she could remember. Once to visit Victoire once she'd begun working, once to visit George after a work accident, and once when she was little and had accidentally turned Albus purple, and no one could fix him at home.

"St. Mungo's," Lily murmured to herself. She looked around at all the people. She knew nobody here. She looked over to where Professor Brown had gone, and he was standing over by the reception desk. When he caught her eye, he waved her over. Lily approached him, and had to ask, "Why are we here?"

"You'll see," he told me. "Now come along. We're going to the second floor."

Lily scowled as she tried to think of what was on the second floor, but she couldn't remember what Victoire had told her. She didn't ask, somehow knowing he wouldn't tell her. They were silent as they walked, and Lily felt a bit squeamish as they went. She was never really comfortable in St. Mungos In her mind if you had to go to the hospital, something was wrong. St. Mungo's was never accompanied by good thing. When Victoire had begun work as a Healer on the third floor, which was Potions and Plant Poisoning, Lily hadn't even wanted to visit her at work. It made her a bit sick.

"You know, Professor, I've never mentioned it, but I sort of hate this hospital," Lily told him.

Professor Brown stopped in the middle of the hallway and looked at her in interest. "Really? Why?"

Slytherin's Potter ( Scorpius Malfoy x Lily Luna Potter)Where stories live. Discover now