Chapter 5 - Hoax

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"You know I left a part of me back in New York

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"You know I left a part of me back in New York. You knew the hero died, so what's the movie for?"
- Taylor Swift

Jess's P.O.V

Hours after Eve had come to Hawthorne house I sat alone at my desk, staring at my computer, words filling the pages. I had found that when I was sad or angry I would write, it was a perfect way to express my deepest emotions without telling them to anyone.

Currently, I was feeling quite a bit of strong emotions. When I had seen Alex staring at me and Grayson I hadn't been sure what I was going to do.

Ever sense I returned to Hawthorne House I seemed to have been unable to get away from my past relationship with Grayson. Yes, it had taken me a while to get over him, I had love him so much and it had broken me when we broke up, but I had managed to move away from that and have a happy life with Alex. That had to get ruined though.

Grayson had been nothing but an asshole sense I've been back and Alex can't help but involve himself in pissing of Grayson. Now, he's jealous, which helps no one.

I had tried my best to talk some sense into Alex, which turned out to be an ill attempt. Alex was normally calm in situations, not this one though. He had ran off down the hallways of Hawthorne House, not stopping as I called for him. Though I hated to admit it, in that moment I was thinking about how Grayson would never have have acted like this. I hated myself for those thoughts, Alex was not Grayson, and he never would be and I was glad for that.

I had moved on from Grayson, I loved Alex and he loved me, there was no denying that fact. That's why it hurt so damn much when Alex had yelled at me, I understood why he was mad, I truly did but that did not make it hurt any less.

Alex had said so many things in his rage, so many bad things about Grayson, and I couldn't help but think this guy has no clue what he's saying. He didn't know Grayson, he only knew that he was my ex, the guy that I had been catastrophically in love with.

Alex was jealous and I knew that but I was beginning to be fed up with both Alex and Grayson's attitude and how they had been treating me. When Alex had yelled at me I had felt embarrassed and had wanted nothing more than to scream right back at him, but I did not do that, instead I ran away, tears in my eyes. He needed time to calm down so I would give it to him.

When I had ran off I had passed Grayson, beautiful Grayson who was always able to make my heart speed up, except this time my heart had froze. He was with Eve, a smile on his face, her hand was in his, and he looked so happy. I hadn't been sure what to do, so I ran off again.

I was getting pretty good at running.

That's why In my book, the main character never ran away. She stuck by her friends, protected everyone, and was always able to choose who she loved. She never had to doubt herself, she knew what her heart wanted because her heart wanted that person so bad. I found it easier to write about a character with the traits I desired.

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