Part 114:Dealings with pregnancies

Start from the beginning

Scorpius stumbled, but then easily gained his footing as he turned to look at her, one hand moving to nurse his head. His eyes were full of shock, and now a bit of his own irritation. "Did you just throw a fucking book at me?" he demanded.

"You should know better than to walk away during an argument, Scorpius!" Lily snarled.

Scorpius glared, stomping over toward her until they were just a breath apart. "So you throw a fucking book at the back of my skull?"

"You called me hormonal!"

"You are being hormonal! You've been this way for days now! I'm kind of tired of dealing with it!"

"Then why do you keep coming home so early?"

"Because that's my child you're pregnant with!"

"Well I didn't ask to be!"

"My god, woman, you are so insane sometimes!"

"And you are an arrogant and inconsiderate ass with a terrible attitude!"

It was then he kissed her, his lips warm and roughly harsh against her own. Lily wasn't exactly sure why he did it. Maybe it was just to shut her up, or perhaps it was just the heat of the moment they found themselves in. But Lily felt exhilarated as their lips meshed together in a mess of teeth and tongues, both battling each other. Lily pulled at the collar of his shirt, but Scorpius was more concerned with sliding his hand up her thigh and under her skirt. Since she'd gotten bigger, Lily didn't try to bother with jeans or shorts. It was summer, and which gave her another reason to just shop for skirts as her pregnancy continued.

Scorpius pulled his lips away from hers, but immediately trailed them down her cheek and to her throat. "Does sex hurt the baby?" he mumbled into her skin.

Lily shook her head. "No," she gasped when bite lightly into her skin.

"Good," he growled, before lifting her off her feet.

They both laid in their bed, the sheet pulled up messily around them. Their thick comforter had been practically kicked to the floor earlier. Scorpius laid on his stomach, his jeans having finally been kicked off, but his boxers were still on a bit crookedly. Lily was clad only in her skirt and bra, her hair a wild mess after being pulled from its ponytail.

Lily ran her fingers through the back of his hair, her body and mood a little . . . well tired now. "I'm sorry," she mumbled.

Scorpius didn't open his eyes. "For what?" he asked, his voice a bit muffled by the pillow.

"For hitting you in the back of the head with a book," Lily whispered.

Scorpius moaned as her fingers lightly massaged into his skin. "It's ok," he assured. "I shouldn't have dismissed you like that. You're pregnant. You're going to be . . . unpredictable with your moods."

"Scorpius," Lily said with a sigh.


"I really don't like being pregnant," she admitted.

Scorpius smirked. "You just don't like not being in control of your mood," he countered.

"No, I don't," she agreed. "Because who knows, what if I throw a book again?"

"Do it to Brandon next. I'd bet his face would be priceless," Scorpius joked.

"I hate going from one mood to the next, or just being upset all day," Lily murmured. "It's too exhausting."

Scorpius finally opened his eyes, which held nothing but concern, love, and bit of his own exhaustion. "I know. I wish I could help. But I promise I'll do better at taking care of how you feel instead of just blowing it off as hormones."

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