20 - lost memories

Start from the beginning

"Y..." You were about to say yes when you stopped yourself. Your throat felt dry and swollen and itchy. It was very uncomfortable.

"? Does your throat hurt, bella(3)?"

You shrugged, trying to play it off.

"Maybe you should talk less then, (Name)-chan(4). Talking is still new to you, correct? Maybe you should take it easy."

"Yes, take it easy, love," England encouraged.

You nodded. Its for the best. You nodded at them.

"What if we all take a picture? To celebrate our newfound alliance?" America was nearly jumping up in down in his excitement.

"It's not one of those... um, what's it called? Selfie? Selfie cameras? So we can't all be in it together, aru."

"Selfie cameras?" Prussia laughed. China glared at him, the beginnings of a blush coating his pale features.

"Ah, that's a good point." France rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "As beautiful as I would make the picture, I guess I can be the one taking it this time."

"I'll do it." Romano sighed and reached for the camera. "Not like anyone wants me in it anyway."

"That's not true, fratello(5)!" Italy said at the same time Spain said, "Wait! Does it have the option to take it after 3 seconds? Maybe we can do that."

"Nope... think it's an instant kind of camera, dudes. It's, like, old."

"Hmph. Just let me do it," Romano insisted. "I don't really care."

Hesitantly, the nations gathered to get their photo taken. America pulled you and Canada into a kneel beside him, and Italy kneeled down too on your right. The other nations stood in a line behind you four with Japan and Germany flanking Italy.

"Smile." Romano said dully. Italy pouted as the camera clicked. The photo slowly slid out of the bottom of the camera. Romano shook it lightly between deft fingers.

"Aww, but I want one with fratello!"

"I'll take one," you suggested, accepting the camera from Romano who shot you a brief glower when you approached him. You wanted one with everyone in it.

"Say 'cheese'!" America said cheerily, and everyone did so with varying enthusiasm. You smiled as the photo was taken, suddenly overtaken by a wave of excitement mixed with nostalgia. Your first photo with you allies- no, your friends.

I'll remember this forever.

You peeked at the developing photo. The others saddled up besides you to judge it for themselves.

"Oh, I'm blinking! We need to take it again."

"I think I look pretty good, non(6)?"

"D-does my smile look natural?"

'Fratello, you should smile in the next one!"


"No more photos for now. Let's take more when we escape," Prussia announced, and everyone nodded, smiling at the thought. "Frau(7), hold onto these, won't you?"

You accepted both of the photographs carefully into your grasp, and nodded. "You can count on me!" You saluted.

"Ha! You used your left hand, just like Ita." Prussia chuckled.

"We're twins!" Italy giggled, grasping your hands in his.

You laughed too. "Yeah." Suddenly, you remembered something. You glanced down at your scarf and then back up at Russia. After a second, he met your eyes with a confused blink.

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