Chapter 1-Wilderness Survival For the Short of Luck

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"A landslide?"

You frowned, guess that's another thing you need to watch out for.

As you moved to take a bite of the berry, a distant roar unlike anything you have ever heard shook the entire forest. It echoed off the cliffs and you felt it in your bones. As soon as it ended, the forest went dead silent.

Only the sounds of the wind could be heard.

Even your heartbeat was quiet.

Instinct kicked in, and you began to run. You felt a primal urge screaming at you to move, to just get away from whatever made that horrible noise. You sprinted, fast as you possibly could, faster than you even knew you could. The berry you had been eating left behind, never once passing through your thoughts. You see a nearby cave, tucked into the cliff wall, and dive inside. You feel your body impact against the cold, hard rock.

"W-What was that?" Before you could catch your breath, a loud explosion rocked the forest.

And then another. And then another

The sounds echoed deep into the night. Roars and a terrible buzzing filled your ears. Lights flashed outside the cave, blinding messes of white, orange, and purple. An intense heat filled the air. The smell of smoke burned your nose.

It was all too real, you were certain this was no dream.

Though whether or not it was a nightmare, you were still unsure.

You did not dare to move, not even when the noises quieted down. Not even when the lights disappeared, and the smell of smoke and sulfur gradually faded. You stayed in that cave until the sun rose the next morning.


Morning came. You did not sleep. Even if the forest had gone quiet, you lacked the nerve to get any shut eye.

You were soon acquainted with a group of Patrat who had fled into the cave. They emerged from small gaps and crevices you could only fit your arms into. Cautiously sniffing the air, they glanced towards you.

Then, the five of them huddled together at the mouth of the cave.

"Guess they were scared too, huh?" Perhaps that's why they hadn't attacked you. Or maybe they were just docile. As you made a move towards the entrance of the cave, one of the Patrat cried out.

"Pa-trat," the Pokémon squeaked.

"Look, I have to get out here," you said, facing the Patrat.

The chaos had stopped ,and like hell you wanted to be stuck in this forest when it started again.

Bending down, you raised a hand to gently scratch the rodent on the neck, which it seemed to appreciate.

"Best of luck to you too, I guess," you muttered as you turned away from the Patrat. A sudden chittering drew your attention

"Rat-Patrat," squeaked the Patrat pointing its arm in a direction parallel to the cliff side, before retreating into the darkness of the cavern.

Deciding the rodent's directions were as good as any, you went along your merry way. Perhaps this was not the best decision at the moment, but your exhausted mind offered no alternatives.

Focusing, you resolved yourself. "I will get out of the forest. Screw Murphy, and screw Lady Luck."

And then you walked again. As you came onto a hill, you surveyed the forest. Thankfully, the cliffside became less steep as you looked toward the horizon.  A bit further, and you could likely scale it if need be.

Pokémon x Male Reader-The Sounds of Battle Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang