• Rabbits and more rabbits - part 21 •

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   You are still trying to call yourself down as the minutes pass into the car but you only seem to get angrier and angier and not calming down at all. You keep repeating his words in your head and it makes u furious, becaying by accident the handle of Ur backbag as u squeeze in frustration.

+" Just my luck. Now I need a new backpack. "

   You say annoyed looking at Ur bag straps. Not a lot after you reach familiar streets and u know you are close. You can't hide your excitement but you are still mad at Hawks for ruining such a day for you.  You keep looking out of the window and as u see a familiar building your face lights up immediately, forgetting everything that happened a while ago.

   The car doesn't even have time to fully stop, let alone giving a chance to the driver open the door for you. You run towards a big colourful building with the name "Jk. Mark". When u reach the gate, you wave nicely to the security guard that waves back at you and opens the door.

+" Hey Mr. Hanekawa! How are you?"

+" Hey L/n! Good as always! We were expecting you much later"

+" Yea, practice ended early today. Is Aya here?"

+" Here I am. Welcome home Y/n"

   You turn around to see Aya who just finished a phone call walking towards you.

+" It's nice to be back, where is everyone?"

+" Well, they are actually eating dinner, u can join them if u like"

+" Oh sure will, I am starving"

   With that u wave a final goodbye behind you as u keep running towards the main hall. You run inside familiar halls as u finally make Ur way outside of the dinning hall. You brush your hair with Ur fingers and try to stretch your clothes without much success. You still are anxious as you reach your hand for the door handle but u froze there for a second, not knowing what to do. You don't know how much time u standing there before the door suddenly slides open with you still holding the handle.

   You fell at the ground with a huge sound as u hear some Gasps around you. You surely make an entrance. It doesn't take long for kid after kid to recognise you and run towards you.

   They all scream happily as they leave their food and run to hug you. The staff aren't looking too happy with the chaos but they seem relieved to see you as they smile back at you.

   You hug everyone back in relief and it takes a lot of effort from both you and the rest of the staff to be able to make everyone able to go back to eat. You grab a plate of food and then go to and sit at the table of your age gap in the corner of the room. This ones may to be the first to run when they saw your but they sure feel happy to see you there.

+" Welcome back Y/n! We missed you"

+" Did you miss me, or u still haven't found sm to fill my spot for D&D night?"

+"a little bit of both"

   You all laugh silly. The person who was talking to you is Abigail, your best friend here, but you would all just call her Abi for short. You both grew close as you actually shared a bunk bed with her sleeping on top for a while.

+" So how is the new school? Are u having fun?"

   This was Aiden. You were not particularly close but he was really good in D&D and u always had fun together.

+" Well, not having a D&D Friday it's disappointing but I manage."

   You all keep chatting until the bell rings indicating that it's the end of dinner time. You let the others leave first as you notice Aya waving at you.

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘏𝘦𝘳𝘰 𝘌𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘍𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘍𝘭𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘴 (TodorokixReader)Where stories live. Discover now