✨U.S.J. Attack - Part 5✨

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   Some days after the Battle Trial your costume came. As you have multiple quirks, to make a costume that can adjust to all of them is really difficult. When it finally came Aizawa inform you will go a small trip to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint Facility to train your rescue skills.

   You are so excited to get back to hard training. You get into the bus and sit next to Uraraka. You take out your phone, put your headphones on and start listening to music. Ignoring completely Uraraka that is trying to start a conversation. Not a lot of later u fall asleep wearing your headphones. After 10 minutes you snatch your hand causing your headphones to get unplacked and your music to play an very old song very loud that made you wake up in an instant. YYou stop the music on your phone and saying sorry for everyone. Thats when you see that todoroki have just woke up too and looking you at with a look that isnt mad but just disappointed.

✴"Either way, we woudnt know this song, he wasnt talking with his big brother so we woudnt be able to know the song." You think as you akwardly smile at him.

   He look at you with that dissapointed look and then close his eyes to sleep. You take a big breath and start a corvesation with Uraraka and Ojiro. It didnt take long and you arrive at the facilities.

   Aizawa and thirteen start talking as they suddently realise a villain attack is happening. After a fast fight. Lida is able to get out for help and u have to fight vilains at the mountain area. You teleport there with Jirou and Denki. There are too many to fight them all wihtout a plan. So with the help of jirou and your quirk you finnaly manage to get a little away from them.

✴"Sth is really off here" you say as you keep running.

✴"Wdym?" He says really curious.

✴"They teleport me here, if they knew my quirk they would have put me in the sea area" you say.

✴"That means they dont know what excatly our quirks are!" She says excited while she keeps running.

✴"To tell the truth, they know mine and your's as we already used them, but not denki quirk" you say

✴"So what do I do?" he says confuzed.

✴"I have a plan and hope it works" You say.

   You explain the plan and you make a cucle geting where you got teleport first. You fast make a small hole that could barely fit 2 people, for you and jiro, as deepest as you could and let denki at a big distance away from you. The villains didnt take a lot to come. Jirou gets on your back and put her earphones in her speakers at her legs ready to fight.

✴"I wont go easy on you. 2 thousant million vlots!" you heard Denki say as Jirou was getting ready.

   Then denki relase his electrition to his all the vilains. In the same time jirou take some high sound waves out of her speakers making the electricity less. But the electicity still hits a little jirou as she start screaming. After a few seconds everything was finished. All the vilains was unconsious at the ground. Jirou was still awake but she could move hardly and Denki is walking like an idiot.

   You leave denki and jirou alone and went down to help Mr. Aizawa. Things are looking very serious. You dont have any time to waste!

   You run towards the center where Aizawa is. Thats when you see a weird creature hitting Aizawa again and again. You start running towards to help Aizawa but you see a guy with hands on all his body getting ready to hurt Asui.You use your quirk to get there faster and put your hard in front of his palm touching all of your fingers at his palm.For the your amazement no one of your quirks work. You turn to look at aizawa but he is still lying on the floor. What was going on, why your quirk isn't working? 

✴"I wasnt expecting to see you here Y/n l/n" He says. 

✴"What the hell, how do you know who am I.. Who are you!?" You say.

 ✴"It feels so bad that you don't even remember me." Hey says smiling

   Thats when you look at Asui, Deku and Mineta and you see Mineta bleeding. Bleeding badly.

✴"Deku, Asui, Mineta. Leave. Go help Mr Aizawa. You are only going to make me harder to use my quirk here" You say as you try to stop Shigaraki from putting any of his fingers on the floor.

✴"I dont think th-" Deku start to say.

✴"Pls leave. Something is off with his quirk he cant use it on me. Just go!" You scream as they make their way out.

✴"So you think you can win me all alone?" He says laughing. His laugh was so strange. You could call it scary.

✴"I dont need to win you. I just need to make you lose time" You say with a smirk.

   That made him really angry, so he start to put more effort to his attacks makes you more and more hard to defend.He finnaly reach his palm to the ground making the ground collapse.You try to go back as an ice wall came in front of you. It is Shoto. You are going to get near shoto as you hear Shigaraki say.

✴" We will meet again Y/n l/n" He says as he is leaving.

You get ready to follow him as shoto stops you. It may be a trap.

✴"You should go help mineta. He cant walk fast with his injures he may get attack in any second" He says as he is leaving.

✴"WHY I HAVE TO DO THIS AND NOT YOU!? WHY U ALWAYS GET INTO MY WAY?" you say. As u try to control ur anger

   You go to reach him as he puts a sharpy ice wall between you two that if you havent used your quirk you could have got really bad injured.

✴"I told you to stay back, now you are injured, go back at the camp." he says as he went to help the others, as All might had a big problem with that creature.

   Mineta came at you looking at ur hands.

✴"Are u alright? Ur palms look really bad injured" he asks

✴"I have been and worst. Now, Lets go iit's dangerous for both of us to be here." You say as both of you make your way were thirteen is.

   When you reach there, you see thirteen badly unjired with some of other 1-A students take care of her. Thats when you lay down from the pain of your palms as Shoji notice your injures.

✴"Jirou, I though you told us that l/n wasnt injured thats why you let her leave" He tells as he looks at your wounds.

✴"But she wasnt injured" she says as she looks at your hands in shock.

✴"This didn't happen from a villain" Mineta say

✴"Wdym? Who would do this to her!?" She asks.

✴"It's really nothing, dont worry guys. The ice will melt soon and my wounds will stay cold that way they dont hurt so much" you say as you try not to reveal that todoroki did this.

✴"Why dont you tell them that todoroki did this to you!?" Mineta says angily.

✴"Todoroki? I never though he would be that kind of person." Both Jirou and Shoji say.

✴"It was an accident right mineta!?" you say as you look him with a deadly look.

✴"yes it was one" he says.

That is the last thing you both say as the Pro hero arrival make all of you shout in relief.

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