✋ 💧☜☜ ✡⚐🕆

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J: Now what i am going to show is some... thing... no no no that can be right, he shouldnt been able to notice us...

Salem: What do you mean by that J?

J: You remember the version of Jaune, the one with the ability of soul magic, right?

Ozpin: How can we forget about HIM.

Cardin: Whats so special about him anyways, he is weak.

J: Sorry to burst your bubbles but... this particular version of him is someone not even I can defeat...

Yang: Wait, you are pretty much the strongest entity in the multiverse, whats so special about this version of Vomitboy?

J: *Sigh* Before his fight with Goodwitch, actualy, way before the Grimm were released from the underground, he was a scientist, THE scientist of Salem, however, an accident caused him to... dissapear...

Watts: Now that is interesting, if i may ask, what are you trying to do.

J: I try to keep our presence away from him, but he follows us.

Raven: Why are you trying to stay away from him, i know that he is strong, very much so, so shouldnt you be able to fight him?

J: ...

Ozpin: J?

J: If i were to fight him... I WOULD LOSE...

That shocked everyone, most of the audience know how strong this version of Jaune is, but to think that even the guardian of the multiverse is scared of him is something else...

???:  💧⚐  ✡⚐🕆  😐☠⚐🕈  ⚐☞  🕈☟✌❄  ✋💣  👍✌🏱✌👌☹☜  ⚐☞,  ☼✋☝☟❄  ☺?

When they heared that sound they turned around and saw this...

When they heared that sound they turned around and saw this

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(Give him blonde hair)

The two brother Gods feel like they know him, as if they have already seen him once...

???: ✋  💣🕆💧❄  ✌👎💣✋❄,  ✡⚐🕆  💣✌👎☜  ✋❄  ✈🕆✋☜❄  👍⚐💣☞⚐☼❄✌👌☹☜  ☟☜☼☜...

Ozpin imediatly prepared himself to fight this version of Jaune, but a hand movement of him forced Opzin to the ground using his blue attack, he then made his way towards Salem, took one of her hands and kissed her knuckels.

???:  ✋❄  ✋💧  ☝⚐⚐👎  ❄⚐  💧☜☜  ✡⚐🕆  ✌☝✌✋☠  💣'☹✌👎✡...

Salem: You must mistaken me with someone else Jaune.

???: ⚐☟ ✋💣 ☠⚐❄ ✋ 😐☠☜🕈 ❄☟☜☼☜ 🕈☜☼☜ 💣🕆☹❄✋🏱☹☜ ☼☜✌☹✋❄✋☜💧 🕈✋❄☟ 💣🕆❄✋🏱☹☜ ⚐🕆❄👍⚐💣☜💧, ☟⚐🕈☜✞☜☼ ❄☟☜ ⚐☼✋☝✋☠✌☹ 🕆☠✋✞☜☼💧☜ ✋💧 ❄☟☜ ⚐☠☹✡ ⚐☠☜ ✋ 👍✌☠❄ ✌👍👍☜💧💧...

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