the real chapter 1- restroom encounter

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          Hello. Today, I woke up and decided to eat my favorite breakfast. Carbonated milk with sweet and poisonous *black* mistletoe petals (black petals because I am emo). I went on to go to school and be emo as always. I saw a rainbow while riding the car. This might have been a sign, and it was.

          Since this horrible thing has happened, I decided to hop into the coffee shop nearby. I took three specific satisfactory deep breaths, and let go of what I had just done. I stayed in my table for a while, before I ran back inside the bathroom stall. While I was inside, I heard very familiar footsteps...they sounded maybe a little...too familiar. I knew at that moment that those footsteps belonged to gaylord. I took the courage to step outside and confront the man. Gaylord greeted me softly, almost like if he was trying to lure me in as a trap. I quickly snapped out of that bewitched trance, and punched him in the balls. I recall the moment he dropped to the floor, crying. "What have you done to my beautiful shiny nuts?!" he cried while on the floor, trying not to take a shit. I laughed, it felt like a moment of victory. But then it all suddenly hit me. I...yes I, myself, have started a war. A war between my type of kind and the other people who are irrelevant. I quickly ran outside the shop and decided to get in contact with my friend group to tell them about all of this.

          I first got in contact with my friend of all time, Harry. He helped me get the rest of the group. After Ben showed up, Neil came last. I told them about this incident, including the strange magic-like trance that last-piece-of-bread put me in. I very felt devalued after Neil had the audacity to tell me to calm down and rethink after putting his hand on my head. I immediately shoved him off, thinking he had become a victim. Me, Ben, and Harry stared at the poor boy in disgust and confusion while he stared at us in some strange admiration. I thought to myself that he was just joking, but I am afraid he was not. I don't like people like gaylord, but this was too far. I think there was someone behind the scenes that caused this. We held Neil back and took him to my house. He eventually gave up and fainted after a while, probably due to the force we put on him. He woke up again, and it seemed he entered a similar trance like me, but the emotion was stronger.  This is turning into an epidemic, a potential pandemic. (you are supposed to be scared about it haha.)

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