xvii - saving grace

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song recommendation for this chapter:
please love me forever - cathy jean & the roommates

authors note: i'm back baby. thank you for the continuous support. it means a lot. but please remember i'm a stupid person writing a dumb fanfic. i'm not a published author. i use stupid tropes and lines. this story has no plan, it's just me spitballing ideas. so be kind.

-hurt w/comfort
-major character [near] death


my brother, frenchy, rizzo, lori, sonny, and doody....
they're here!!

joey immediately ran to me. "christ. fuck you gotten yourself into?" he did a once over on my tied frame making sure i was not horribly harmed. he then sliced the ropes off me.

frenchy went to sandy's wriggling body on the floor and quickly untied her apologizing the whole time. "sandy...oh sandy...i'm so sorry." once she was free the two embraced.

doody went to the fallen putzie at my feet, making quick work of his restraints. putzie was badly injured and yet, when he was free, he pulled doody to him and sobbed into his shoulder. doody gently rubbed his back, though it was a bit awkward.

sonny looked at danny simply astonished by the state of his leader. he was whispering something i couldn't hear. he was frozen in place. sandy crawled to danny, her legs still aching from the position she was stuck in for god knows how long. she whispered in his ear as tears brimmed her eyes. all danny did was gently nodded. she swiped sonny's switchblade and cut his restraints. he fell forward and into her arms.

the lovers had been reunited.

joey hugged me tightly while scolding me for getting stuck in this situation. i let him go after a bit and rubbed my wrists. they hurt so fucking bad from the ropes. felt like a million tiny burns peppered across my ankles and wrists. my eyes moved to rizzo and lori who had not moved from their place in the doorway. keeping watching or just waiting for everyone to finish fussing over each other, i wasn't sure. rizzo and i locked eyes. she raised a brow, "where's kenickie?" my eyes widened.

where was he?

i stood, legs wobbly, and went to the heavy door i thought he could be behind. my weakened arms struggled but i got it open.
nothing could have prepared me for what was behind that stupid fucking door.


behind the heavy door, was the chair i saw kenickie tied to. blood stained the back and the seat. i followed the blood trail with my eyes to the corner of the room.

an unmoving pile laid in the corner.

slowly, i walked to it hoping it would be anything but him.

the closer i got the easier it was to tell it was a human. soon details came to light. bloodied white tshirt and jeans. beaten up converse. and finally, dirty blonde locks.

i fell to my knees in front of the curled up body. as gently as i could i rolled his body over onto his back. his face was still. all of him was still except for his chest shallowly breathing. "kenickie, wake up. come on."
"please nickie. wake up. please."
still nothing.

i placed my hand onto his face softly caressing his cheek. "please," tears began blurring my vision. "please nickie. wake up. just a little bit." just as tears slid down my cheeks, his eyes fluttered open. "doll?" his voice was cracked and gravely, but he was still kenickie. "yes, yes, it's me. come on, we're safe now. let's go." he looked up at me, eyes glazed over. "i'm tired, doll," he mumbled. "i know. i know. our friends are here. we need to get you up and leave." my hand moved the hair stuck to his face away. "jus'....jus' stay. stay here. for a lil. 'm so tired," his eyes call softly closed again. "no, no, no, you gotta stay awake." i tried to move him up but his dead weight and my weakened state made for a terrible combination. "shoulda...shoulda made ya my girlfriend," he mumbled eyes still closed, "shoulda takin' ya out. instead...i got you into this." i couldn't stop the tears from falling. why is he saying this now? "nickie, no-" he looked up at me, barely able to stay awake,
" 'm sorry, doll."

then his eyes slipped closed and his body went limp.
"no no no no." this can't be the end. i refuse.


i screamed. it was a scream i didn't know a human was capable of. i pounded my hands against his still chest, sobbing uncontrollably. in a matter of weeks i've managed to not only fuck up my own life but fuck up someone else's too. no. he's not just someone else.

the rest of it blurs.

according to joey, it took him, sandy, lori, and rizzo to pull me off of kenickie. an ambulance was called. the police tried to question me but i was such a mess they directed their questions to everyone else. they took freddie and his guys to the hospital for treatment and eventually arrested them.

i watched them cart of kenickie. oxygen mask, paramedics crowded over him, neck brace, the whole thing.

apparently i collapsed into joey's chest sobbing and hiccuping. he took me home after.

he tried to comfort me, the best a brother can, but i was inconsolable. the tears wouldn't stop. i was barely able to talk. i tried to explain how much i fucked up to him but he couldn't understand me through my sobbing so he just hugged me. he hugged me tight.

and in a whispered he apologized to me, "i'm sorry. i'm so fuckin' sorry. i shoulda been there. i shoulda never let you leave the house. i shoulda protected you. i'm a shitty big brother. i'm so fuckin' sorry." he petted my hair softly and i felt the shoulder of my shirt grow damp with his tears. i wanted to tell him he didn't need to apologize, that it wasn't his fault, but my voice had disappeared.

so i just hugged him tighter and hoped it would say all the words i couldn't.

eventually i went to bed. it was a restless sleep filled with reliving the entire time. i woke up many times in a pool of my own sweat. around 5 am i couldn't get myself back to sleep anymore so i turned on the radio.

"goooooood morning california! this is 96.6 the wolf!" a wolf howl played," your top music and news place. our top story this morning is about a group of teens being kidnapped by a gang-"
i flipped the radio off.
silence is better.

i wandered to my book shelf and pulled out a random book i'd probably already read. i read until about 7 am. then i hauled myself to the bathroom to get ready.

it's time to go visit kenickie...

idiots || kenickie murdochOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora