xiii - lazy morning

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song recommendation for this chapter : the warmth of the sun by the beach boys

authors note : sorry for the absence. a lot has happened since i last wrote so maybe y/n will get some angst? :P anyways, ily & enjoy.

the sun shone annoyingly bright through the off white curtains of my bedroom window forcing me to creek my eyes open. jesus what time is it? i attempted to sit up and look at my alarm clock but there was a heavy weight pressing against my back. whatever it was, it was also wrapping its arms around me and keeping me close. i turned over to see a still sleeping kenickie.
how could i forget about last night...
"kenickie." i whispered softly.
"mmm" he mumbled back and pulled me impossibly closer. i was so close every inhaled filled my senses with the smell of him and nothing else. he smelt of stale cigarettes, mint gum, and hair pomade.
i've watched everything about this man so closely since i met him, i could tell ya the exact gum , cigarette, and pomade he uses.

- wrigley's double mint (or when he's in a pinch the normal spearmint)
- lucky strike cigarettes (he swears they give him luck)
- murray's hair dressing pomade (specifically the coconut scented one which danny makes fun of him for)

thinking of all these dumb little details makes me sound crazy. i scoffed at myself. maybe i am crazy. but hey, he's here it my bed isn't he? i must not be all that weird. i moved gently out of kenickie's grasp and propped my head up against my elbow. for a while, i just watched him sleep as sunlight slowly flowed into my room and across the bed we were sharing. he had this perfect little dirty blonde wisp that likes to fall forward into his face. he always combs it back up and keeps it's stuck for a while with more pomade. but now that he's asleep, all the grease being gone from his hair and it's all fallen forward. especially the stubborn dirty blonde wisp which is contently curled up on the middle of his forehead.

i moved my eyes down to his face. his pale blue eyes were shut. hiding away from the world and seeing their own in whatever he was dreaming about. his nose is slightly crooked, leaning a bit to the right. he probably broke it in some fight. yet, i couldn't imagine his nose any other way. a perfect button nose wouldn't fit him. his light pink lips were parted slightly and a quiet snore was coming from him. then their was his stubble. it wasn't super apparent but it was definitely there especially early in the morning when he hasn't shaven and the early sunlight is gently shining on him. it was like god made the perfect 'bad' boy. the most stereotypical but most beautiful greaser. he'd could be in a movie about greasers. a musical perhaps? he has a decent voice....though i'm sure he'd cringe at an acting role especially a musical. i scoffed to myself for even thinking about kenickie in a musical movie. absolutely ridiculous.

gently i began to move my weight from away him. trying my best to not stir him.gradually i got out of bed and went to change. i can change in my room right? he's not awake. i took off my pajama pants and reached for the hem of my shirt when i heard "mm you can stay like that." i abruptly turned around to see a half awake kenickie with a smirk covering his face.
"jesus kenickie. your lucky this shirt is oversized....i'm going to go change."
"no. come back. please?"
his voice was needy yet gravely with sleep. i walked closer to the bed and brushed my finger through his hair. "we gotta get up- aH!"
as soon as i got close enough to reach, kenickie wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled my back to bed. i giggled like a child. he held me so closely to his chest, i could suffocate in his scent. i lifted my head up and pressed a gentle kiss to his neck, carefully avoiding the marks i made last night. i made a line up to his jaw, then his cheek, and then his lips. a broke the soft kiss but was quickly pulled back in. "please...doll." was all he whispered before he desperately kissed me.

he knows how to make me instantly give up. so i did. our once gentle kiss turned needy and sloppy. he slid his tongue across my bottom lip, asking for permission to deepen it. i happily accepted. at one point during us making out, i nibbled on his bottom lip and the prettiest noise left him. i broke the kiss and looked at him. "what's with you and biting?"

"what can i say? greasers like it rough."

i laughed and got up again. "can't we say here forever?" he whined. i rolled my eyes. "yeah and have joey catch us again? i'd rather live." he groaned and lazily got up. i turned to my closet and began underdressing when i felt eyes staring at me. "turn around nickie." he scoffed but obliged and he himself redressed as did i. once both of us were ready, we snuck over to the bathroom and made sure we looked alright. if my brother sees me with messed up hair he's going to think the worst. we looked decent and we went downstairs. it was early so joey shouldn't be awake. i opened the front door as quietly as i could and pushed kenickie out. i went to shut the door when he abruptly said,
"not even a kiss goodbye?" i looked at him and he had these big sad puppy dog eyes. i rolled my eyes again and pulled him in for a quick peck on the lips. with that i shut the door and hurriedly went back upstairs.

it was now around noon and i laid on my bedroom floor reading a book when i heard the the phone ringing. i rushed down and answered. a frantic voice came through the other end of the phone. 

eventually i recognized it to be sandy's voice.

through the rush of words and sobs i made out a sentence, 

"they took danny and putzie!"

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