v - talking point

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song recommendation for this chapter : a teenager in love - dion & the belmonts (yes this was also recommended in ii but it's such a good song!) 

author's note : thank you for the support. it really does mean loads <3


after a little discussion, danny decided to just leaving after realizing sandy isn't going to come. lori and rizzo went for a walk together but not before lori checked in to make sure i was okay with going with kenickie by myself. i had enough liquid courage in me to fight all the t-birds at once if i wanted to, so i'm sure i'll be fine. last but not least, sonny, doody, and putzie.

once everyone else was gone, they realized it was just us five left. "hey! what's goin' on?" putzie asked looking back and forth between me and kenickie. "what do you think this is a gang bang? ya wish. hit the pavement. now." he replied gesturing for them to get out of his car. "you're kidding." sonny said looking at him in disbelief. kenickie was growing impatient. "i said now! move it!" his hand gestures grew faster as if he was trying to shoo away a fly.

"remember us in your will." doody sneered at kenickie as he hopped out. next out was putzie who didn't say anything to either of us. last out was sonny.

"when a guy picks a chick over his buddies, somethin's gotta be wrong. come on, guys let's go for some pizza." he took one final glaring glance to nickie and they all left.

kenickie didn't seem to be affected by his buddies reactions. he simply just got into his car and then gestured for me to get into the passengers seat. i did as i was told and sat in the passengers seat. he started the car and pulled out of the driveway.
there was no radio playing as we drove. no talking. just silence. eventually we reached a parking lot in the middle of no where. there's other cars here but...they're rocking back and fourth? what're they do....

as soon as the realization hit me i turned to kenickie, confused as all hell. "what the hell are we doing here?" he turned off the ignition and turned to me with a cocky smirk on his face. "calm down. i didn't bring ya to a makeout point- well i did but not to makeout. just to talk." i eased back into my seat a bit. just to talk huh?
"what about?"
"you, doll."
as if reading my mind, or just seeing the confusion on my face he laughed softly and repeated that he indeed wanted to talk about me. i guess that's what we're gonna talk about...
"okay...but for every piece of information i give you, you give me some back."

after a while of talking i told kenickie about how my parents died and now i live with my brother, how sandy i met, when i lived in australia, and other things that are more basic like favorite movies, colors, and foods. in exchange he told me how he met the t-birds, his family, his love for cars, and the guy he wants to beat in a race. slowly we both got more comfortable with each other and it didn't feel like sitting in a car with a random person anymore. the alcohol from frenchy's party was a slowly hitting me though and i began to speak slower and yawn more which was apparent to kenickie. he offered to drive me home and i nodded telling him my address as he started the sort of long drive home.

i must have dozed off because when i woke up i was leaning on his shoulder.
"shit."  i mumbled and pulled myself off him. embarrassed, i turned and got out of the car without even stopping to look at him. i was half way to the door when he grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me to his chest.
"just gonna leave me without a goodbye?"
he whispered into my ear sending shivers down my spine. why am i shivering? whatever. i wriggled my way out of his grip and turned so we were now face to face. immediately, he laughed at me.
"your cheeks have gone all red, doll."
"ugh. goodnight nickie."
i rolled my eyes and continued my way to the front door. his laughing continued behind me with a few pauses in between laughs of him trying to say something. from what i could make out he said, "g'night, doll." i reached the door, unlocked it, and when i was in the doorway i finally turned back to his laughing figure that wad illuminated by the streetlights. as a final parting gift, i flipped him off. then bam. the door was shut and my night with kenickie was over. as I locked the door, someone grabbed my shoulder. "where were you?" 

ah. joey. 

"i was at frenchy's but decided to come home early." i can't tell him i was with a guy. joey is the stereotypical protective big brother. which is great that he care but come on! i'm almost 18! "who brought you home. it wasn't sandy because that's not her car," shit he saw the car. does that mean he saw kenickie? "sandy is also not a tall, blonde, blue eyed boy either." he continued and raised his brows at me as if asking who that was. "yeah, no shit sherlock." i rolled my eyes and pushed past him to make my way up to my room. regardless that i was obviously done with the conversation, he persisted. "c'mon. you gotta tell me. " "no, i'm good." i continued upstairs and he followed like a lost puppy. "what? think i'm gonna get mad? 'cause i'm not." that's such a stupid lie. he punched a boy I liked in second grade one time because he gave me a 25 cents plastic ring. if i ever bring that up to joey he still defends it by saying that he was 'protecting me from marriage'. so i'm gonna keep nickie a secret as long as possible. but how long can i keep that up? either way, we've reached my room. "joe. that's bullshit and you know it but there's nothing to get mad about anyways. don't worry about it, 'kay?" before he could reply i went into my bedroom and closed the door in his face. 

now that i'm alone in my room, all i have is my thoughts. which are stuck on kenickie. why though? i don't like him. he doesn't like me. or does he? no. why would he? but we do have quite a few things in common we found out while talking...ugh! 

i shoved my head into my pillow in an attempt to silence my thoughts. eventually, they were silenced and i fell asleep.

idiots || kenickie murdochМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя