xvi - hopeless bunny

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song recommendation : can't hardly stand it by charlie feathers

author's note : light content warning for this chapter. nothing gore-y or any of that. just baseline violence. honestly, i hate this chapter but i took way too long to write it to not post it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

content warning for :
-light violence


i awoke with a black bag being pulled off my head. i hissed at the suddenly bright lit room, my head was pounding out of my skull. i rose my head and in front of me stood the man with the lopsided smile who i can only assume is freddie. i grimaced up at him as he placed his hand under my chin. "headache, little dolly?" "fuck off." i spit back trying to wiggle away from him. the restraints on my wrists and ankles that held me to the chair didn't let that happen. "oh~ a feisty one. much more fun than the little blonde one."

sandy. he's talking about sandy.

"where is she." i demanded but he snickered at me. "the blonde? don't worry. she's fine. in another room right now. don't be jealous, you're my favorite so far." he moved his hand from under my chin to my cheek. his thumb rubbed gently to and fro on my cheekbone. "you would look so much prettier as my little slut," he commented seemingly thinking aloud. "where are my friends." i demanded again not letting him get to me. "aw~ a bunny in a package set are you? don't fret soon i'll have the whole colony, including your little play mate." is he referring to kenickie? how the fuck would he know about that? freddie continued, "my boys found him on the other side of town looking all lonely. did you break his little heart, bunny?" "eat shit." i bit back but he simply laughed again. "that wasn't very kind of you, bunny! maybe i'll have to teach you some manners."

he walked away from me for a second. i dropped my head suddenly tired from all the strain i was putting against my restraints. i couldn't rest for long, freddie laced his hand through my hair and yanked back until i was looking at him. a large, sharp switchblade was in his other hand. "i want my bunnies to be nice, can you do that?" all i could choke out was a "fuck you." he tsked at me and brought the blade down to my cheekbone, the one he was just touching a moment ago. agonizingly slow, he dragged the blade from one end to the other. i hissed in pain, as tears filled my eyes. he cooed at me, "poor thing, crying already." i could feel the fresh wound begin to bleed and cascade down my cheek. he dropped the switchblade and brought a finger to the wound. he swiped up some of the blood and popped the finger into his mouth.
fucking disgusting.

"now, will you behave now?" he asked finally unleashing my hair from his iron grip. i nodded sheepishly. only way out is to comply i guess. "good. i'll bring you one of your friends as a treat now, though i get to pick which one." he left the room, closing the heavy door behind him.

part of me wished he'd bring sandy, just so i could see she was okay. part of me wished for danny so i could see how badly he was injured. and part of me wished for putzie, so i knew the smallest member of the t-birds was still alive. i dwelled on these thoughts measuring who i wished for more and coming to the conclusion i wished for all three.

i heard the heavy door heaven open. immediately my head popped up to see who it was. freddie dragged, whoever it was, on a chair they were restrained to. he seemed to struggle a bit which tells me it was a bigger person. so not sandy nor putzie. he dragged the chair to be across from me. i studied the person in front of me. they had a black bag over their head just as i did. they seemed to be knocked unconscious from the way it lulled lazily to the side. they had a white t-shirt stained with blood on, blue jeans, and black converse. this could be any one of the t-birds in front of me, but the biggest probabilities were either danny or...kenickie.

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