xi - the den

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song recommendation for this chapter : lipstick on your collar - connie francis

author's note : sorry for the long wait between updates!! i got caught up in things. enjoy this very frantic and dramatic chapter.


the den...?
scorpions don't live in dens though. they burrow and usually live individually. they don't gather in groups...
"whatcha thinkin' about?" i turned to the voice to see putzie leaning forward from the backseat and giving me a curious look.
"scorpions. like the animal. not the gang." i replied to which putzie cocked his head slightly to the left like a dog trying to understand english. "they don't live in dens." i tried to explain. he obviously still didn't quite get it but he leaned back into the backseat anyways.
the car filled with silence. why wasn't anyone talking? but then again, what was there to talk about? two of our friends are missing, one is badly beaten, and kenickie was jealous.
this is great.
it's all just great.

the car stopped and we were outside my house. wordlessly we all got out and went in. in the kitchen was joey making some kind of cake. he doesn't bake much but my brain was too busy to question him.
"hey sis-" he turned to the three of us and just froze. is it a good picture that i'm with 2 guys? not really. especially with one of them being beaten but i didn't care. "hey." i said shortly and then grabbed putzie's wrist and lead him to the couch. he obediently sat on the couch and looked around. as i went to the grab the first aid kit, i walked past kenickie who still stood in the enterway. "can you go comfort, putzie?" i asked to which he just simply nodded. obviously he has an issue with something but i don't have the time to care right now.

after retrieving the kit i walked back to the couch. i found a hunched over putzie crying into his hands as kenickie spoke whispered words to him. a step forward and kenickie took notice of my presence and just gave me a sad look. i sat on the floor in front of putzie and slowly took his hands away from his eyes. his pitiful brown eyes looked into mine and a whispered "i'm sorry," came from his lips. i gave him a soft smile and motioned towards the kit indicating i was gonna patch him up before we go. he nodded, quickly wiped his eyes and straightened his back. i stood and then took my place next to him on the couch. carefully, i cleaned and dressed all his wounds. kenickie simply watched and said nothing.

once putzie was all patched up. we headed to the den. the name still makes no sense but whatever. the ride was silent. i'm not sure if it was quiet due to the collective anxiety or if it was that we just didn't have much to say.  the ride felt long and slow even though kenickie was speeding. as i was staring out the window, i noticed we weren't in town anymore. in fact....i had no idea where we were. there was nothing out there for miles. it was just fields. californian fields for miles. where the hell were we going? i turned to kenickie to see if he provided any clues but he stared straightforward at the road, not even side glancing me. so i turned towards to backseat where putzie was. the bright blond was slumped against the window sleeping. it was deserved. he's had a hard day. guess i'm shit out of luck. i turned back towards the window and continued staring out of it.

soon enough, kenickie pulled over and parked near this old house. who puts a house out here? "what...is this place?" i asked.
"the den." kenickie replied bluntly as if i was an idiot for not picking up on that sooner. without another word, he opened the car door and exited. i followed suit leaving a sleeping putzie alone in the car.
"kenickie, we need a plan." i asked jogging lightly to catch up to him. "plan? we don't need no plan. we go in, knock a couple of em out and leave." kenickie's hands were already balled into fists ready for it. but going in with just the two of us is foolish, down right stupid really. gently, i grabbed his clenched fists and spread them open. "no. that's not how this is gonna go down. it's foolish." i tried to reason but he quickly released himself from my hands. he didn't say anything in rebuttal though so i continued.
"there's two stories to the house. most likely lori and rizzo are on the second floor cause it's harder to escape. so we need to get up there and grab them and then leave. if no one knows we're here, we don't have to fight anyone."
as i finished, kenickie simply pondered it for a bit and then nodded gently and then he said, "fine." someone is definitely still jealous but whatever.

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