Chapter seventeen

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Sitting on the edge of my bed, I looked through the window, admiring the beautiful colours the sunlight managed to create as the sun was setting

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Sitting on the edge of my bed, I looked through the window, admiring the beautiful colours the sunlight managed to create as the sun was setting. I could barely understand what was going on inside my head as the day went by.

After the brunch, nothing unconventional happened. And as much as it was settling, I knew there was something looking behind the shadows. There was no way in hell that fate would let me have a single calm moment when it had all of the opportunities to rock my world with the man that I was dealt with.

Speaking of which, from words on the street, he wasn't going to be back until sometime next week due to some business deals, he had to take care of. I guess I could say it was nice to know I wouldn't have to fear him in every corner of the estate where his shadow lingered no matter his actual presence.

But I guess Nicolas had that effect on people.

I stood up from the bed and walked over to the full-length mirror and looked at myself one last time before I descended downstairs and had some fun. Even if the fun seemed to be short-lasting.

I decided to wear the black dress that Nicolas had sent to me before I left for Italy. It was ridiculous to think he would see me and, in my defence, I was hoping anyone other than him would pay me some attention. The lace lingerie set fitted nicely under my dress and felt like a forbidden piece of clothing I had the pleasure of wearing as a model of sorts.

I turned my back to the mirror, looking at the beautiful black heels with tulle bows. My long and straightened hair covered most of my back and made my entire look chic. I turned back to face the mirror and stepped closer to see the diamond cluster necklace on my chest. It was cold the moment it touched my skin but for some reason made me feel even more expensive than I already was.

I quickly grabbed my long black coat and phone in hand as I turned the light off and walked out of the bedroom. I stopped in front of it as I put my coat on and glanced at his door. I rolled my eyes and forced my feet to walk away and towards the stairs.

"You have got to be kidding me," I heard Vittoria's voice. I turned to the side and smiled at the sight of her with Ada on her arm. "Every time I think that you can't get more beautiful," I swear I blushed under the foundation.

"You are too nice," I placed a kiss on her cheek before getting a better look at her. Her blond hair was neatly curled and left loose. Her body was covered with a similar black coat I had on under which she wore a slim-fit, dark red dress with black tights and heels which matched her dress. I noticed the small diamond charm necklace on her chest as it glimmered in the light.

My sister wore a navy-blue dress underneath her coat and black heels. Her hair was curled and put up in a ponytail. "You two look incredible," She smiled before giving me a hug and whispering in my ear.

"Someone hopes to see someone," she pulled away with a devious smile on her face. I bit my bottom lip ever so slightly to avoid any words coming out of my mouth. Sighing, I smiled.

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