Chapter sixteen

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I had been sitting on the lounge couch for the past half an hour, staring at the painting above the fireplace

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I had been sitting on the lounge couch for the past half an hour, staring at the painting above the fireplace. I wasn't so sure why I was so immersed in it but something told me it had everything to do with the encounter I had this morning.

Honestly, what a way to begin my day.

By ruining it completely.

I kept staring at how perfect he looked. My inner demons were mocking me over and over for this. Why was I so interested in him all of a sudden? I went two years without a proper thought of him and then he barges into my life unannounced and as a result left a permanent mark.


"Hey," I flinched at the sound of a soft female voice. I looked at the entrance and smiled once I saw Verona. She was one of the younger people from this family I still hadn't had the chance to have a proper conversation with. As well as haven't seen her all throughout the days I'd already spent here. "I hope you don't mind if I join you," she spoke with a rich Italian accent.

"Not at all," she smiled as she made her way to the opposite couch and sat down. She had hair almost as dark as black that was tied in a low ponytail. Her face resembled Vittoria's yet she had thicker eyebrows which looked very similar to the man's that sat next to her in the portrait. She seemed to be similar in height to me and was truly beautiful. All of these people seemed to have won with their genes.

Verona wore a navy-blue cashmere sweater with high-waisted, loose, black pants and black flats. A golden charm necklace was wrapped around her neck with what looked like a small golden rose.

"I'm Verona. We haven't properly met yet," I smiled.

"A pleasure to meet you. I'm Brielle."

"Oh, I know you." I was slightly taken aback. "You've made quite the impression among the family members."

"Not something I'm proud of," she chuckled.

"Oh, please be. It's the small bit of entertainment I've been waiting for in here," she leaned back on the couch as she gazed at the many potted green plans behind me and in front of the windows. "It gets dull here after a while," she said.

"I can imagine. Being confined to such an estate and then all of the danger that comes with whatever your family is involved with-"

"You know all of that?"

"Was I not supposed to?" She met my eyes, struggling to find the words to answer me.

"I... I'm assuming Nicolas told you," I opened my mouth to answer but she continued. "The only reason why I'm slightly surprised is that Kassian told all of us to keep the businesses away from his fiancé. And since you are only related to the bride-to-be, you are the last person any of us would've wanted to reveal anything to. Not that I have anything against you," I swallowed hard before smiling.

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