Chapter 12

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Pic of June and her sisters....May and April.

June had ignored the countless phone calls she had seen on her phone from Dmitri. After escaping her flat earlier she was now behind her desk catching up on work. She had missed the office and was feeling much better. She was speaking to Jay in the foyer after coming out to use the toilet for the umpteenth time this morning.

She had sent Dmitri a text earlier demanding that he move out as he was not welcomed in her flat anymore. She had not dared look at his response or take his calls since then.

"Jay you need to ensure that the resort is properly secured. Make sure that the contractors and workmen follow protocol and the paperwork is always up to date." She was briefing him because he would be managing this project on site while she was stuck in the office.

"Sure June, I will follow the pin point list you designed." Jay responded.

"Come into my office while I show you how to do it." Jay followed her into her office.

"Lucy, please remind me when my 11 am appointment arrives." June reminded her secretary before closing her office door.

She took out the plans for Dmitri's retreat project and placed them on her table.

"Have a look at this here Jay, the ratio of time and action is important to ensure that the project remains on time target." June always enjoyed her job. "If time is spent too long on one project the whole project will suffer financially and emotionally."

"Wow June, it is a lot of work. Mr Kanaredes is a huge client but I will certainly do my best." Jay said a bit nervously.

" I know you will otherwise you would not have been chosen." June tried to soothe a nervous Jay. " Look at this proposal here, if we begin with this section first it will make the process simpler."

"That is definitely a plus. Is Elsa from the junior department coming with me?" Jay asked

"Yes plus Luke is on standby if extra man power is needed." June added, "I trust the two of you to complete the start of this project we can further assess the project after you arrive in Sicily and report on your findings."

June sipped from her a glass of water, "Sicily is a gorgeous place, you are lucky to be travelling there."

"I hear the weather is very tropical so I will bring along enough shorts and t shirts." Jay said jokingly

"Hey not too much play, Hamilton would have my head on a chopping block if something goes wrong with this."

"No worries I will bring my sun block as well." Jay said deliberately misinterpreting her words.

Her phone rang, but she was hesitant to pick it up in case it was Dmitri.

"Aren't you getting that?" Jay asked on the fifth ring.

June reluctantly picked up her phone, she smiled in relief at the caller id.

" Hi sis," she greeted.

"Hi sis my foot! June you are in big trouble!" Her younger sister May said angrily.

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