Chapter 7

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I can hear the arguing from here.

John yelling, Lestrade and Mycroft trying to calm him down. It's kind of funny, John getting so upset about all of my problems. It's like he cares about me. Helping me with being sick, grieving so much after I fell, always making sure I eat and drink and sleep. I wonder why he does these things. It must just be part of his charm.

After a moment, the yelling stops and footsteps head towards my door.

"Hey, uh, are you ok?" John asks.

The question takes me by suprise, I figured I was wanted back in with the others, tears fill up my eyes and I turn my head.

The bed sinks slightly as John sits beside me. I look back over at him to find him looking right back at me.

"Its ok to not like this, Sherlock," He says.

"I, don't know what you mean."

He gives me a stern look plainly reinforcing his sentence.

"Its just, doesn't make sense, John. How could he be back! I worked so hard for him to not come back! He died infront of me, he shouldn't be able to come back!  But he's still coming back anyway." I exclaim.

He slightly opens his arms, as if asking if I need a hug. I sit up, and fall into his embrace as all of my emotions fight to spill out.

"Hey, it's ok. I won't let him get to you. You'll be ok. We'll be ok." John  slowly rubs my back.

We stay wrapped arm in arm for a long while, probably annoying my brother.

"Are you ok now?" He asks.

"That therapist you saw is really rubbing off on you," I mumble.

He let's out a small chuckle. The sweet sound running around in my heart.

"Now I'm ready," I whisper.

John opens my door and goes down the hallway, trusting me to follow.

I follow, walking just behind him.

"Hello again, brother dearest." Mycroft rolls his eyes.

"Disapointed that I'm still the criminal world's favorite Holmes?" I ask.

"Let's not start that again," John says.

"You two can't even be in the same room with out being rude, can you?" Lestrade says.

"Oh look at the time! Gavin, it looks like you have to go to the yard. By the time you get there, you might be late," I say with a forced smile.

"He took the week off," Mycroft says.

"Are we just going to argue about everything or are we actually going to figure out what to do?" John asks.

"I know exactly what I'm going to do," I say.

"And what would that be?" Lestrade asks.

"If you say one more sarcastic thing, Sherlock," John mumbles.

"Well now I don't have an answer," I say.

John brings his hand up to his forehead with a deep sigh.

"Mycroft?" Gred asks.

Mycroft, looking embarrassed, starts looking everywhere but us.

"Great. The bloody geniuses don't know what we're supposed to do," Lestrade says.

"Lets, just figure out who we're dealing with this time. If we can figure that out maybe we can stop anything from happening,"John says

"Great, now we've got a plan," I say, flopping down on my chair and curling into a ball.



I look over at my clock. 3:06 in the morning. Who texts people at 3 in the bloody morning?

I reach over to my nightstand and grab my mobile.

How's the flatmate?

What a random message.

Good? Who is this?

Oh, no one.

Why does no one need to know about my flatmate?

Just a friendly reminder to check on other people.


What do you mean by that?

Nothing of course.
And I hope you know when I say nothing I mean everything.

I fling the covers off of me and sprint down the stairs towards Sherlock's room. I fling the door open, causing a large boom as it bounces off the wall, even though my heart screams that it knows the answer.

I look at Sherlocks bed.

It's empty.

"Its empty," I mumble.

Maybe he's just in the bathroom. Yes, that sounds right.

I turn from the empty room and shuffle towards the bathroom. The door was wide open. Killing any remaining hopes of Sherlock being here.

I turn back towards Sherlocks room and sit down on his bed where we had sat just hours before. After a second, I lie down, inhaling the scent of my best friend.

"John? What's wrong?" Mrs. Hudson says from the doorway. She must've heard the door.

"Sherlock," I start," they took him."

Mrs. Hudson looks at me with a mix of shock and sadness only slightly visible through the darkness.

"Oh John. I'm so sorry you both have to go through all of this."

She steps forward with her arms open. I stand back up and fall into her warm embrace.

After a long minute, Mrs. Hudson says, "Now, why don't you call that brother of Sherlocks and his boyfriend. You'll find your boyfriend soon enough."

"Ok, yeah, I'll go do that," I say before following her out into the main room.


I wake up with a series of coughs. But I'm not in my bed. I'm not in my room.

I try to look around me, to view my surroundings. But all I see is darkness. Words start flooding my vision as everything hits me at once.

Blindfolded, damp, stiff, cold, mud, kidnapped.

My new friend must've decided to kidnap me before we figured out who they were.


Sorry it's taken so long. I've worked almost every day and it's taken forever to get it this long. Hopefully the next update will be sooner. Bye bye.

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