Chapter 1

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I awake from a restless sleep, I don't remember falling into, with a splitting headache to oppose the soft sheets.

I sit up surveying my surroundings as a chill rakes through my body. My mouth felt significantly dry. So I get up to get some water.

The world spins and I tilt slightly backwards as black bubbles cross my vision. In a moment they're gone. Most likely a lack of iron.

I go over to my dresser and drink the small glass as another shiver assaults me.

I set the glass down, now feeling cold after the shivers. Really cold. It wasn't supposed to be cold. It was hot outside.

I look at the temperature, 25°. WHY AM I COLD?

I lay back down on the bed, wanting nothing to do with anything. My head hurt, I was cold, and I didn't like it. So I turn on my side and burrow into into the bed.


I was updating my blog about mine and Sherlocks most recent case. I called it the Sticky Note Thief, Sherlock despises the name of course, someone had been stealing artifacts from a museum and leaving 1 sticky note for every artifact stolen. They had managed to avoid security and it was nearly impossible to find them but in the end Sherlock noticed that all the heist locations combined made it really easy to pinpoint they're hideout, it turned out they had been trying to get government attention on the lack of security surrounding our history or something like that.

I had finally convinced Sherlock that he needed sleep if he wanted to do more cases. He was slowly eating less again and I was trying to keep him alive.

Pulling me out of my thoughts, I hear Sherlocks normally silky voice croak out, "John?"

I turn away from the computer towards my flatmate. His curly hair was scattered around as if the strands were deathly afraid of the others. His face was red, and he had wrapped himself in a sheet.

"Yes, Sherlock?" I ask.

"Why is it so cold?" He asks, "It shouldn't be cold, it's hot!"

I stand up and walk towards the tall man. Once I reach him, I place the back of my hand on his forehead, which seemed to be the current fireplace for the fires of Hell.

"You're burning up!" I exclaim.

"So?" Sherlock asks, making eye contact with those mystifying eyes of his.

"You're sick." I roll my eyes.

"Oh, if that's all, I'll leave you to your blog," He says, starting to turn back the way he came.

"Sherlock, no."

He stops in his tracks, turning his head to look at me.

"'No'? What do you mean 'no'?" He asks.

"I know you're going to go off and try to find some case or something, but I'm not letting you. You're going to stay here and rest."

"Good thing you're not my mum, then." He mumbles.

"Sherlock, please, this is serious. As far as I know there isn't anything very contagious going around right now, so this could very well be your morphine addiction catching up to you!" I shout.

"I'm not addicted, I'm in control." He defends.

Sighing, in a strong voice I say, "You, need rest. You, are sick. So you, are going to stay here until I, your doctor, say you're healthy."

His face flushes an even brighter red as he turns to face me fully, and nods.

"Why don't you lie down on the couch and so I can keep an eye on you."

I lead him over to the couch and set him up.

"I'm going to call Greg and let him know you're sick. Meanwhile, you should try to get some sleep," I tell him turning away.

His hand finds my wrist, keeping me there.

"Wait, stay?" He asks, "Please."

"Alright, just until you fall asleep," I agree.

He let's go of my wrist as I sit on the ground beside him, our heads almost level.

Sherlocks eyelids flutter down. His features softened as drowsiness takes over. He looks so beautiful in his sleep. That sounds a bit creepy. But, God, it's so true.

After a long while, I press my lips against his forehead and find myself slipping into a peacefu sleep.

First chapters done! If the temperatures aren't right or what people consider hot or whatever its probably because I'm an American and America decided they needed to be different and complicated and still make me learn it in school but not use it! But anyways, I'm always willing to take constructive criticism, so feel free to point mistakes or things you think could be better. Thanks for reading!

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