Start from the beginning


Waking up in the morning. My body feels tired and disorientated. My eyes feel heavy. My head feels like it has been split into two. My room has a strong man’s odor. I smell like a man. I yawn, get off the bed and open the curtains. It’s a sunny day today. I want Manqoba to take me to visit Babana. The shooting left me and Thabi broken. Whoever shot him must have been a herd boy. Competiton in the farms is tough these days. A piece of paper on the bed caught my attention. 
“Don't call me I will call you.” I read it out loud. I looked around my room and froze. Okay, there must have been some voodoo shit going on here. I feel my legs shaking in fear. Maybe I am losing it, or God is perhaps punishing me for a sin I never knew I committed. I see Manqoba from my window. 
“Manqoba!’ He is the only one who can put the pieces of the puzzles together. 
“Yes.” He looks at me with his eyebrows aching. With his hand buried deep in his pocket. 
“Did you come into my room last night?” I ask. That is the only logic explanation. I know how my father's cologne smells. Babana is not here – and he only uses his Nevia deodorant. 
“What. Wena what do you think?” 
“I don’t know. But what I know is there was a man inside my room.” I say. Maybe he is under the bed. Fear creeps in. I touch my private part. No sign of breaking in. It’s still unscathed. I sigh in relief. Manqoba on the other hand is bursting his lungs like. 
“What's funny?” I ask. 
“Read the note and read it carefully. I am sure you can be able to put the pieces of the puzzles together.” He walks away still laughing. This one is a definition of a nut case. I look at the piece of paper – everything is just blank. 
“Okay.” I am still confused as hell. I don’t want to be stressing myself over some shit I don’t even know what it means. I will deal with this later on. I still have a lot to do – well not a lot but checking up on my father will do. Hearing that he is okay and doing well sends warmth into my heart. I need to take a quick bath; I will be leaving with Manqoba. I do not want anything that has to do with my stupid parents of mine. Looking at them alone sends me off the edge. Next week the matric results are coming out and I cannot wait to be out of their sight, and I am damn sure that they also cannot wait for me to leave. 
“Khanyisile, it’s me open up.” That is MaNgcobo. I don’t know what she wants. Ever since they arrived, she has been following her husband like a lost puppy waiting to be fed. Not even once has she ever asked me how I am coping or what do I need. 
“I’m bathing.” I shout back. 
“We need to talk.” Now that it suits her? She can go jump from the nearest cliff I do not give a fuckery. Cold me stone called hearted. I really don’t care about this potion. My happiness comes first, and these people are my happiness. I hear footsteps fading. I continue to scrub my body in my grandmother's basin. 

All dressed and ready to leave. I find my father pacing up and talking on the phone...
“Did I not tell you to finish him off!” 
I stand there and look at him. He chokes and trembles when he looks at me. His phone drops on the floor. I just walked right past him, I found Manqoba talking on his phone as well. Kanti, what the hell is wrong with these people and their phone calls?
“Will do just that.” He drops the line after that last statement. I think I should turn on my phone as well. I need to call Amanda, I'm sure she is mad at me wherever she is. But she will have to forgive me. It was an emergency. I switched my phone on and tons of messages popped through. Amanada will be the death of me. I smile and shake my head. 
“Going somewhere?” Manqoba asks. 
“Yes, to see my father.” I say. 
“Okay. He is not around, what we can do is video call him.” 
“Haibo. How when he is in hospital?” I ask. 
“The last time you were in hospital, how did your family get ahold of you?” 
“No buts. We will call him.” 
I hate him right now. He can't bully me like this. I need to see my father and he is depriving me of my happiness. 
“Get in the car and accompany me to town, I will buy you ice-cream.”

I thought that women where the ones who didn’t know what they wanted and liked when shopping.  I'm looking at Manqoba hoping from one store to another. He has been undecided and it's beginning to bore me. I sight licking my ice-cream. I just want to know how this will end; He is really keeping me entertained. This I did not expect at ll. I laughed on the inside. He looks like a man who know what he wants but today he is confused as fuck! Time has passed and there is still no sign of him selecting anything. Maybe I should help. I don’t know anything about men’s clothing – maybe I should learn for my future husband. 
“Manqoba, uhlulwa yin ngampela?” I ask. He looks at me for about a minute and doesn’t say anything. 
“Remember the guy that broke your phone?” He asks. 
I frown. “What about him?” How can I fight that perfect stranger? 
“If you were to shoes for him – what would you chose?”
For that he doesn’t have to ask me twice I know exactly what will might look good on that scrumptious nigger. I picked up a few Trank pants. He's tall and very fit. So, this will do for him if I were to shop for him. I remember the last time I saw him. He looked so cute in that orange uniform.  His words were ‘don't look for me I will...’ my mind jogs back the memory lane. The letter. Manqoba! I have seen his face before. I look at him and indeed is the one that was with the man that day he broke my phone. 
“You.” I say. 
“What about me?” He asks. 
“It’s you. The man's friend.” I say with my heart stops beating for a second. No way! I need to sit down for this. I feel hot and suffocated. I look around trying to locate a chair and there is a couch close by. I sit my ass down and let my mind swim in thoughts. I need water. Cold water with ice on top. My mind is not functioning at all. How did I not notice. Am I that stupid! God! No wonder everyone calls me a snail. I’m sure Manqoba has been looking at a fool. I swear to God, I did not notice him. I want to be home. Far away from everyone. 
“Are you oaky?” He asks. I need to breathe. 
“I need air.”
He stretches his hand out and helps me to stand. “Let's go pay for these and them go home.” 
He is paying for the exact same items I picked. Now I am more than curious. Manqoba will not fit in these. I want to ask but mi voice with mot pitch. I remember my grandmother's words. I remember how she told me to pay attention to those little details. Am I that naïve. 
“Am I stupid?” I ask Manqoba who is so focused on the road. 
“No.” He drives along the road. This route does not lead home as he said when we left the shop. 
“Where are we going?’ 
“To a surprise location.” He speaks.  This is outside town but. He parks Infront of some BNB I’ve never seen before. 
“What are doing here?” I ask. No response but he jumps out of the car and leaves me in the car. I take a deep breath. Maybe he is here for someone. He has a life after all. But a lot of questions are clouding my mind. I watch him as he walks inside. Minutes later he came out with a huge smile on his face. I wonder what has changed his mood. He opens the door. 
“Can we go inside. I want to show you something.” He speaks. Vele, I have nothing to do at home. I just want to be away from my toxic parents. I step out of the car without asking any further questions. He walks in front of me like a man that has won a million dollar. I shake my head and amusement. This man surely knows himself. He walks past the receptionist, and I still follow behind. I don’t ask any questions...
“You may enter. This is your treat.” He says opening the door for me. Walking in I find a room filled with roses. Okay, this is strange but in a good way, I could sleep here and forget about my problems, just for once. It smells so fresh, but the smell reminds me of the smell that was in my bedroom this morning. I admire roses. Manqoba surely has taste and I appreciate that. Maybe he knew I needed this treat. Look at me smiling to myself. The door closes and the sound of clicking follows. I stand there not knowing what to do next.
“I told you. I will; find you.” A male's voice startles me. I scream in fear. “You look pretty.” He adds. I quickly turn and get a shock of my life...

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