Suitor (Bright/Liftoil)

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Bright started to regret letting Liftoil help him out in the bar. Not that the cute little nong was clumsy or anything. He was skilled in servicing. Even the number of customers increased after he joined. But there was one thing Bright couldn't overlook. There was this particular guy who was ogling at Liftoil. He always came at the same time every day, sitting in the back of the pub where he had a good view of the whole room. He ordered a beer, watching Liftoil's every step. Bright could practically see him drooling when the tiny waiter turned around, showing off his perky butt. Bright's eyebrow twitched in annoyance. It was time to stop this unwanted suitor and show him who Liftoil belonged to. 

Bright waved for Liftoil to come behind the counter. The young guy skipped enthusiastically to him, a big smile spread on his pretty face. Bright glanced at the stalker briefly to check if he was looking before he pulled Liftoil closer to his body. His boyfriend made a surprised squeak but didn't try to protest when Bright leaned closer, kissing him hard. 

This will work for a while. 

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