As Aang tried to get tickets, he failed since the lady was quite strict. Toph, everyone's saviour stepped forward with her golden passport.

"Hi, I'm Top Beifong and I'll need five tickets." Toph said, crossing her arms and waiting.

"Ahh, the golden seal of the flying boar. It is my pleasure to help anyone of the Beifong family." The ticket lady smiled and bowed to Toph.

"It is your pleasure." Toph put a hand to her collar. "As you can see, I'm blind and these three imbeciles are my valet."

"But the girl-" the ticket lady eyed you.

"My personal bodyguard." Toph placed a hand on your shoulder and you stood up straight. "As you can see from her face, she's a fighter."

"And the animal-"

"Is my seeing-eye lemur." Toph said as Momo jumped on her shoulder.

"Well, normally it's only one ticket per passport, but since this is such an offical document, I guess it's worth five tickets." The lady caved in and stamped all five tickets.

"Thank you very much." Toph took the tickets and handed four to you, which then you gave them to everyone else.

"Alright!" Sokka was giddy. "We scammed that lady good!"

You then heard Sokka being stopped and you turned to see who it was, but instead of starting a fight, your face lit up. It took Sokka a moment and a kiss before he realised who it was. Suki wasn't wearing her kyoshi uniform or makeup, but you saw her without makeup back on kyoshi island when all the girls got ready for the day. You all sat down at some table with a roof to catch up.

Suki told you all about how she ended up working as a security guard, but the pregnant lady from before and her husband were calling out to us, saying how someone stole everything they owned. Aang tried tog eat tickets for them, but failed.

So, now that was happening, Aang was now going to lead everyone through he serpent's path. Yay. 

"I can't believe we gave up our tickets." Sokka sighs, being whiny.

"I can't believe your still complaining about it." Toph remarks and you fight back a smirk.

"I'm coming too!" Hearing Suki's voice, you thought she would still be in her security guard outfit, but girlie had time to change and put on the makeup.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Sokka looked worried. You then let the smirk return as you looked between the two, having their lover's quarrel. Sokka was happy Suki was coming, but you knew he was thinking about Yua.

Crossing the serpents path was a lot easier than you expected. Sure, the fire-nation ship tried to kill you, but your fine. Everyone was alive. After a long walk, you all went to sleep in a campsite area. Sokka worried about Suki again. After the night's rest, you started again in the morning.

Walking along the rocky ledge, so close to certain death, you all stopped at the point in the path were the road was covered in water, a few hundred metres ahead, the path contuinued.

"Everyone, single file!" Katara called out. You forgot she was a water bender for a moment. She moved the water and created a path in the water. Aang helped her out and soon you became a bubble in the bottom of the ocean.

Momo jumped out of the bubble to try and catch a fish, but something swam by the spooked him.  While everyone was on guard and curious about the figure, it didn't waste time to swim right into the bubble Katara made, and filling the space with water. Toph quickly hit the ground and it shot up into the sky. With your air bending you dried everyone.

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