"Whoa there, feisty," he replied, pushing his hands out infront of him. I crossed my arms and glowered at him. It speaks!

"I'm not feisty, you're just being a prick. Now get out of my way before I push you," I warned.

"I'd like to see you try," he answered with a grin. I wasn't expecting him to say that and I knew it wouldn't be too easy since he looked pretty strong. I used all my strength and pushed him towards the banistor, racing up. Before I made it to the top a hand was wrapped around my waist and I was pulled back down.

"Hey!" I complained at the idiot. "Let go of me, now!" I ordered.

"Say pretty please," he mocked me in a high-pitched voice.

"No! Who the hell are you?" He lifted me up, causing me to protest and walked back down, finally setting me on the ground. "What is wrong with you, creep?" I said, backing away and brushing a hand through my hair.

He chuckled and then spoke again. "I'm Zachary, but most people call me Zach," he said, holding his hand out. I didn't bother shaking it and narrowed my eyes at him.

"I'm Arissa and you need some help. Don't you dare touch me again!" I yelled.

"You looked a little bored so I thought I could entertain you a little..." he teased.

"It wasn't entertaining at all!" He crossed his arms and leaned against the banistor, laughing at my mini rant.

"How about I buy you a drink as an apology?" he offered, wanting me to stick around for longer.

"You're at a party and you don't even have to pay for the drinks," I said, raising my eyebrows. Embarrassed, he ran his hand through his brown locks and did a cute side smile.

"You could still join me for a drink though?"

"Unfortunately for you, I don't drink," I said, giving him a wink before heading upstairs. Thankfully he didn't follow me this time which meant I could focus on finding Tyler.


I had checked both bathrooms and three out of the four bedrooms. Last one otherwise I was definitely giving up the hunt this time. I flung open the door and stepped inside.

"Millicent!" I hollered, quickly shutting my eyes. Millie was one of my close friends and she knew how much I hated Tyler since she was with me to witness everything he had put me through.

Now, she was sat with him on the bed, endlessly kissing. Her legs were wrapped around his waist and her hands were combing through his hair whilst his hands were shamelessly roaming her half naked body. When I opened my eyes again she was stood up, now wearing a blouse. "What are you-" I began.

"I've got to go," she said, stopping just beside me before scurrying out. I contemplated running after her but remembered I had more important business to tend to. Tyler was still sat on the bed, leaning back with his hands on either side of him for support. Once again, his eyes scanned my body and I started feeling uncomfortable, my weight switching from one foot to the other.

"Stop staring," I flared. His eyes suddenly flickered up towards my face and he stood up, still concentrating on my face. He advanced towards me, not taking a moment to blink.

"And if I don't?" he cheekily asked, his hand tracing down my arm until I slapped it off, only making him grin.

"I guess I'll have to stab your eyes out with my heels then," I sneered.

He brought his face right next to mine and whispered in my ear, "You don't scare me, baby girl."

I took a few steps back.

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