Chapter 5: It's Hunting Time

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Andrew and I make our way to a clearing in the woods. The forest is a breathtaking sight, with towering trees stretching out above us and their branches casting dappled shadows on the ground. Through the thick foliage, I can see the sun peeking through and illuminating the golden leaves as they rustle in the cool breeze. It's almost as if the air wants to cleanse my mind of any worries or stress.

Sitting there with Andrew in silence, I find myself lost in thought, pondering why I exist in this body. It's only been less than a day since I found myself in Melissa's shoes, but I already feel a strange connection to her, to the point where I sometimes forget that I am not Melissa.

What brought me here, to this body, in this time and place? Is there a purpose? Is it fate, destiny, or simply a random occurrence?

As I contemplate these questions, I feel a sense of peace washes over me. 

It's strange to think that just a day ago, I would have loathed the idea of being in a forest. But being here now, feeling the earth beneath me and being one with nature, it feels like the happiest moment I've ever been.

"Hey, are you alright?" Andrew's voice interrupts my thoughts.

I turn to him with a smile. "Yeah, just lost in my thoughts," I reply, enjoying the moment's tranquillity.

We stand there in silence for several minutes, taking in the beauty of our surroundings before Andrew breaks the stillness. "Shall we get started?" he asks.

"Sure, let's go," I reply.

Andrew and I stand up together and run towards a dense bush instinctively, as our ears alert to the sound of approaching deer footsteps from miles away. The distinct smell reaches my nose, and I know immediately what it is.

Looking over at Andrew, I see him nod in agreement.

We crouch behind the bush, waiting for our next prey to appear. Patiently, we watch as the deer slowly makes its way through the tall trees towards us.

The deer stops in its tracks and sniffs the air, its nostrils flaring in and out with every breath as it tries to locate our scent. I search for a quick opening and, focus my mind to hover three of my needle bullets in front of me, each pointed at the deer.

With a sudden burst of concentration, I then launch them at the deer's body using my telekinetic powers.

The first bullet strikes the deer's neck, causing it to collapse onto the ground. The second and third bullets pierce its stomach, and the animal writhes in agony.

As I release the bullets, I feel a sudden surge of energy drain, leaving me feeling weak and disoriented. Luckily, my body is strong, and I am able to recover quickly.

"Woo! Nice one, Melissa! There's truly no one in this world that can beat your speed," Andrew exclaims, his eyes gleaming with pride.

Andrew was right. Melissa's telekinetic and combat abilities aren't reliant on the strength of weight or power but rather on her lightning-fast speed. She can move objects with her mind in a fraction of a second, and her body is incredibly agile, capable of moving faster than any normal person. It's a deadly combination that makes her a formidable opponent.

With her unique abilities, Melissa is able to create openings for herself and others, manoeuvring in unpredictable ways that leave her opponents disoriented and vulnerable. This is why even the needle bullets, which are a special type of weaponry explicitly designed for her, are useless in the hands of others. They simply can't match her speed.

Andrew and I walk towards the wounded deer, its moans of pain filling the air. With a swift motion, I raise my bullets from the deer's wound and tuck them back into my pouch.

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