Chapter 3: The Thorn Academy

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As Andrew and I make our way towards the front gate, a carriage pulls up, and we are met with the welcoming face of a familiar person.

"How are we doing today, Lady Melissa?" Alfred asks with a smile as he welcomes us in.

"Good morning, Alfred. I apologise for keeping you waiting," I reply.

Alfred is Melissa's personal guard and was trained personally by Lord Duke Denton. Although he is not an Elite, he is widely regarded as the most skilled swordsman in the entire estate, a fact that Melissa can attest to after having duelled with him on several occasions. He is currently 28 years old, but he exudes an air of maturity and tranquillity that is both impressive and reassuring. Melissa clearly feels comfortable in his presence.

"No problem, Lady Melissa. I am just glad to see you safe and sound," Alfred says warmly, giving a small bow. 

He quickly returns to his duties as the carriage driver, urging the horses forward. "Now let's get going, my lady!" he declares with a sense of urgency.

"Thank you, Alfred," I reply.

I look out the window and take in the scenery around me as we depart from the Belton Estate. The rolling hills and verdant fields pass by in a blur, a testament to the speed at which we are travelling. The sun shines brightly overhead, casting a warm glow on everything it touches. I can feel the wind in my hair and the gentle sway of the carriage as we make our way towards the road that leads to the academy.

"Hey, why can't you treat me as nicely as you treat Alfred?" Andrew asks, pouting his mouth.

"Because you're annoying," I curtly reply to Andrew's question without thinking.

Damn, Melissa can be such a savage sometimes.

As soon as the words leave my mouth, I feel a twinge of guilt. I need to learn how to control my reflexes better. I feel bad for Andrew, who doesn't deserve to be on the receiving end of my impulsive outbursts.

Andrew frowns at me. "You're always saying that! Just what part of me is annoying!?" he demands, his frustration evident in his voice.

"Well, I think you're annoying because you're always getting in my way, and you keep bothering me with your stupid questions," I reply, my words coming out sharper than I intend.

Whoop! My bad.

"Stupid questions!? Like what?" he asks, looking hurt.

Okay, now you're just asking for it, man.

"Like the fact that you're asking me this question now. Or like the fact that you always seem to get in my way when I'm trying to get something done. Or the fact that you always have to interrupt me when I'm talking to someone else about something important," I say.

"Why do you always have to..." Andrew stops mid-sentence and looks away, his voice trailing off.

Hmm, maybe I was being too harsh on him. I can tell that Andrew has developed a slight crush on Melissa, but she, unfortunately, does not share the same sentiment.

Poor guy has been banished to the friend zone, but still not giving up easily. Gotta respect the guy's tenacity.

I sigh, feeling guilty for the way I spoke to him. "Alright, maybe I was a little too mean to you. I just have a lot on my plate right now," I say, reaching out to grab his hand.

Andrew looks back at me, his face lighting up once again. "Yeah, I understand," he says, his forgiving nature shining through.

"Don't worry, I will never hate you, Melissa," he says with a grin.

I feel a sudden heaviness in my heart upon hearing his words. Andrew's loyalty and devotion to someone who isn't even the real Melissa is humbling, and I can't help but feel like I'm deceiving him in some way.

I smile back at him, trying to hide my inner turmoil. "Don't worry, I'll try not to hate you so much either," I say with a chuckle, hoping to distract him from my sudden shift in demeanour. Despite the weight of my guilt, I know that Andrew deserves my kindness and appreciation, even if I'm not the person he thinks I am.

"By the way, why didn't you come to my engagement party last night? Did something happen with House Larkspur?" I ask.

He hesitates for a moment before replying, "Nope, nothing happened."

I raise an eyebrow, not entirely convinced. "Oh really? Then why didn't you come?" I press, wanting to know the real reason behind his absence.

Andrew frowns. "I wanted to come, but I had some things I had to take care of first," he says, his voice trailing off.

"Things you had to take care of? Like what?" I ask, curious about his sudden change of plans.

He shrugs, avoiding eye contact. "Just some stuff," he mutters, his gaze fixed on the passing scenery outside the window.

I could tell he is unwilling to share more, so I let the topic drop. "Well, okay then," I reply, not wanting to pry further. I turn my attention back to the road as we continue the drive towards the academy.

Upon arriving at the main entrance of the academy, Alfred greets us, "We have arrived, my lady."

"Thank you, Alfred," I reply, taking in the sight of the grand entrance.

Several guards stand at the door, greeting us as we exit the carriage. Walking through the entrance, I am awed by the grandeur of the academy's interior. The entryway is vast, with high ceilings that are adorned with glistening crystal chandeliers. It can easily fit several hundred people at once, and the walls are lined with polished marble that glimmers in the sunlight that floods in from the numerous large windows. The pillars that line the hallway are carved with intricate patterns and designs that add to the overall grandeur of the entrance.

My heart races as we make our way towards our class, knowing that Crown Prince Cayden will be attending the academy this year. It's the first time that Melissa and the prince will be in the same school, and I can't help but feel a surge of excitement, even though it's not my emotions.

Damn this body! You're seriously excited just because of that!? I silently berate myself, blushing and sighing at the same time.

"Get a grip of yourself, girl!" I say out loud, punching my chest with my fist. I can't believe how easily I'm caught up in Melissa's emotions. It's like I'm living a double life, constantly juggling between my own thoughts and hers.

Andrew looks at me, surprised and confused. "Uhm...Melissa, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I assure him, trying to hide my nervousness. But as nervous as I am, there's no denying the thrill of attending the academy with the Crown Prince. I just need to remember to keep my composure and not let Melissa's emotions get the best of me.

"Let's get going. We're late," I say, walking faster towards our class.

We finally reach our classroom, and I see all the students are already there. Immediately, my eyes land on Crown Prince Cayden sitting at the back near the window. I can't help but notice that his face looks even more dazzling under the sunlight.

I look at him and feel butterflies fluttering in my stomach. His presence makes me feel more nervous than I already am.

"Oh, Andrew! Melissa! Good morning," one student greets us.

"Morning," I greet back, still unable to take my eyes off Cayden. Andrew yawns and doesn't reply.

"It's not every day we see you coming in late. Did something happen?" Another student asks.

I shake my head, my attention still fixed on Cayden. "Nothing, really. I just overslept, is all," I reply absentmindedly, my thoughts elsewhere. I keep wondering what it would be like to sit next to him in class, to have him look at me with those piercing blue eyes, and to hear his voice whisper my name.

Although I keep looking at Cayden, he doesn't seem to notice me. He doesn't even attempt to greet me like he did last night. I wonder what's gotten into him.

"Are you alright?" Andrew asks, noticing my unease.

I look at him and nod. "Yeah, I'm good. Let's go."

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