Chapter 2: The Red Head

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On either side of the hallway are two sets of double doors leading to a ballroom/study room on one side and an expansive dining area on the other. Both areas were designed with elegant and lavish decor. Marble flooring covers most of the ground as well as intricate mosaics depicting flowers and birds. A large fountain stands as a centrepiece in the centre of the main hallway, and a double door in the centre also serves as the main entrance to the mansion.

As I step down the staircase, the servants greet me as they open the double doors of the main entrance. I walk through the door and step out into the mansion's courtyard. A few more steps forward, and I am outside. The lawns are meticulously maintained, the emerald-green grass perfectly cut and blemish-free. The flowerbeds are arranged in intricate patterns, with each flower showing off its vibrant colour. The trees lining the pathway leading to the front gates are majestic and provide ample shade, casting dancing shadows on the ground. The garden near the fountain is a work of art, with various flowers arranged perfectly. The sweet fragrance of the blossoms wafts through the air, making it a paradise for any nature lover.

"You're late today, Melissa," A man says. I look over, and it's Lord Duke Denton, Melissa's father, standing in the courtyard. 

He's an imposing, tall figure with broad shoulders and a muscular build. His dark pink hair is swept back from his forehead, and his sharp, bright eyes seem to take in everything around him. There's an air of authority about him, and I can't help but feel a little intimidated by his presence. His cold expression, like Melissa's, only adds to the sense of foreboding that seems to surround him.

"I'm sorry, father, I was having a little trouble getting up," I reply as I go back into the courtyard.

"Oh, it's not like you to sleep in late. Is there something bothering you?" He asks with a tone of concern. His eyes fixed on me as if trying to read my thoughts. The surprised expression on his face seemed to suggest that he had noticed something off about me.

Oh no. Does he know that I am not Melissa? Now that he mentioned it, he is right. Melissa is very disciplined and has never been late for school.

"Nothing, father, I just slept in a bit. I suppose I might be tired from yesterday's party," I reply anxiously. My eyes averted his gaze.

"I see. Well, I suppose it's fine then. You better get going. You have a long day ahead of you." He turns around and walks away, leaving me alone in the courtyard.

"Hmmm, he doesn't seem too bad," I mutter to myself. 

Melissa's memory of him seems cold and intimidating. She tries to distance herself from him whenever she can, yet she still greets him occasionally to show her respect. It's clear that he holds a significant influence over Melissa and her upbringing. After all, the Duke is the head of this household and has trained Melissa in war strategy and combat skills since she was young.

"Hurry up! We don't want to be late for school!" A voice calls from above me.

My body twitches out of reflex, and for some reason, I feel a sense of annoyed and irksome emotion through me. I step forward and look up to see a figure hurtling down from the roof with reckless abandon.

True enough, a tall red hair boy came flying down from the roof excitedly, rushing to hug me. His enthusiasm is almost infectious, but I can't let my guard down. As he approaches, I feel a surge of anger and frustration rising within me. Without a second thought, I kick him in the face, dodging his attempt to hug me, causing him to fall flat on the ground with my foot still on his face.

"Seriously, when will you learn not to be so shameful," I say to the boy, annoyed.

His name is Andrew from House Larkspur, and he is sort of a childhood friend to Melissa. They trained together under the guidance of Lord Duke Denton when they were five years old. Andrew has since risen through the ranks and has become one of the most highly regarded Elites in the academy. In fact, he currently holds the coveted title of the strongest fighter, with Melissa following closely behind in second place. 

Andrew's family is also responsible for managing the kingdom's finances, making them one of the most influential houses in the realm. Despite Melissa finding Andrew's boisterous and, at times, immature behaviour to be bothersome, she still greatly respects his incredible combat skills.

"What the hell, Melissa! That hurts!" He yells.

"Oho- you seem to be quite brave these days," I smirk as I continue stepping on his face.

"H-Hey, I can't breathe!" He yells.

"Are you trying to kill me?"

"No, but your face feels so good under my foot. It's so soft and squishy that I can't seem to stop." I reply, laughing menacingly.

"You really are a mean person, aren't you?" He asks, looking at me with wide eyes.

"Yeah, I am", I reply with a smile.

"So maybe next time you should learn to be more mindful with your action towards me. Don't go touching or hugging me as you please unless you want more of this."

"Alright! Alright! I get it! Now could you please get your foot out of my face" He yells.

I stop stepping on his face and pull my foot off.

"Oho- you finally got the message." I chuckle.

" you always have to be this aggressive?" He says as he stands up. He pats himself down to clean up the dirt off his uniform.

"I don't know why you're so upset. You could have easily dodged it. It's not my fault that you chose to get stepped on." I reply with a shrug.

"Yeah, well, I guess you have a point there..." He says, scratching his head, blushing.

"Come on, let's go to school already," I say.

Although Melissa finds Andrew's behaviour to be irksome, she acknowledges that he is not a bad person at heart. In fact, Melissa has come to rely on him as one of her most trusted friends.

I feel anxious about this whole situation. I'm not actually Melissa, and the thought of being discovered terrifies me. I'm unsure of what to do next. Should I come clean to Andrew and risk causing more problems, or should I continue to pretend to be Melissa?

The weight of this decision is overwhelming. After all, the only thing that matters now is that I must get out of here without being found out.

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