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I woke up in an alternate dimension where humans are naturally born with cat ears, sharp fangs, a pair of retractable wings on our backs, and claw-like nails. On the outlook, it looks like an average human body with the added features.

My body feels lighter, and I can move with a level of agility and flexibility that I never thought possible. With just a few flaps of the wings, I can soar to dizzying heights and travel at breakneck speeds, gliding effortlessly through the air without the need for a parachute. However, using these wings comes at a cost. Even just 10 minutes of sustained use can be draining, leaving me feeling as though I've just run a marathon. As a result, the wings are used sparingly, reserved only for emergencies or combat situations.

With this new body, I have also acquired razor-sharp instincts that allow me to track down prey from miles away while I hunt for food in the wild. My senses are so sharp that I can hear things that used to be inaudible, while my nose can smell things even from miles away.

Despite being in the year 2023, progress in this dimension seems to have moved at a glacial pace, and the absence of modern technology is jarring. In comparison to my original dimension, it feels as though I've been transported back in time to a period between the 17th and 18th centuries.

This world consists of two kingdoms, the Northern Kingdom and the Southern Kingdom, who have always been at odds with each other as war has been waged on and off since long ago for territorial gains.

Although nowadays, war between these two kingdoms is almost non-existent, both sides are still wary of each other.

I am now in a body named Melissa, and she is the eldest daughter of Lord Duke Denton from House Belton.

House Belton is a name that commands respect throughout the Northern Kingdom. Renowned for their strength and influence, they are tasked with the critical responsibility of overseeing the kingdom's defences. At the heart of House Belton's power lies the Duke, who serves as both the Grand Commandant and Left Chancellor to the king. Moreover, House Belton boasts a rare and formidable asset: four Elite class members.

In this land, the Elite class is composed of individuals gifted with extraordinary abilities: they can manipulate objects with the power of their minds without ever touching them. This rare and exceptional talent sets them apart from the rest of society, making them the most influential individuals in the land. To possess telekinetic powers is a true feat, and those who have them are highly respected and revered.

The elites are treated almost like royalty within this kingdom, and each member is given their own personal guard squad. Most noble Houses typically only have one or no Elites at all. Thus, any common folk found to have this power will also automatically be elevated to noble status.

Melissa herself is an Elite and a strong one at that. As the eldest daughter of the Duke, she is also now the heir apparent of House Belton. Melissa only has one sibling, her sister, Emma, whom she loves very much. Both her sister and parents are elites.

As the only house with such a high concentration of Elites, House Belton has established itself as a true power player, with influence extending far beyond the walls of its own stronghold. Therefore, it is unsurprising that she is presently engaged to marry Crown Prince Cayden of House Thorn. This marriage will ensure both Houses' alliance and cement the future peace within the Northern Kingdom.

So why am I in Melissa's body? I can see her memories and feel her emotions as if I was the one living through them. But how did I end up here?

Before I arrived in this strange new world, I was just an ordinary college girl named Lily Tam. I had no grand aspirations or expectations for what lay ahead in my life and was perfectly contented with it. In fact, I preferred to avoid any unnecessary work whenever possible, instead finding solace in the pages of books and the escape of movies.

But somehow, I ended up in a different world where everything was so unexpected. It seems like I was thrown into this world without any prior warning. And now, I must find a way to get out of here.

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