Chapter 13: Naivety

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Lord Duke Denton's gentle voice suddenly breaks through my anxious thoughts. "Please, proceed, Melissa. Do not hesitate to express your genuine opinions," he says, his eyes softening slightly.

His words boosted my confidence, and I put my pen on the desk. The tight bodice of my dress constricts around my chest as I straighten up my back. I slide the documents from Andrew's side towards me, feeling the cool surface of the wooden desk on my fingertips. "Alright, father. I believe we should not simply perceive this case as a mere crime rate problem," I say as confidently as possible.

Andrew jolts forward in his chair and turns towards me, his right hand now resting on my father's desk. The golden button on his black sleeve, engraved with the House Larkspur crest, catches the light and glints softly. He puts on a curious look as he awaits my proposal. I meet his gaze with sweat forming on my forehead before turning back to Lord Duke Denton. "If we take a broader view, the rise in crime rates signals that our people are struggling economically," I explain, gesturing towards the papers in front of me."

Lord Duke Denton nods, the fringe of his pink hair sways down gently as his gaze fixed on me. "Please continue, Melissa," he encourages.

Feeling more confident, I continue. "The bulk of our nation's budget is primarily allocated towards military funds, noble factions, and Elite cultivation under The Faith," I say, my voice gaining momentum. "As a result, anyone who is not of noble birth, an Elite, or entering the military is almost guaranteed to face financial hardship in our kingdom."

I pause briefly, glancing at both of them, allowing my words to resonate before delving into my proposal. "I firmly believe that this is the root cause of the issue. If we are to address the increasing crime rate, we must prioritise addressing this underlying economic problem rather than simply punishing criminals."

As soon as I finish speaking, I notice a flicker of surprise in Lord Duke Denton's eyes, and my heart starts pounding. Shit. Did I screw up?

"F-father, apologies if I have said something wrong," I stammer, bowing my head quickly. I feel a knot of anxiety forming in my stomach. The hem of my blue silk dress crinkles from the rustling and twisting between my fingers while I wait for my father's response.

As the silence stretches on, my anxiety grows. When Lord Duke Denton clears his throat, the knot in my stomach tightens even further. I find myself struggling to catch my breath, and my eyes dart between him and Andrew. His dark green eyes bore into mine, and I feel a wave of heat spread across my cheeks.

He fixes the white cravat on his neck and tries to collect himself. "Not at all, Melissa," Lord Duke Denton says. "Your insight into our economic situation is impressive. What do you propose then?"'

His words fill me with relief, and I straighten up, feeling more self-assured. I hear the wooden chair creaking softly beneath me. "I suggest that we redirect our nation's budget towards constructing infrastructures that can foster more intellectuals and scholars rather than solely focusing on military funding and elite cultivation," I say.

I look around the room, making eye contact with everyone to ensure they're engaged. The sunlight filtering through the windows seems to dim slightly, casting a warm yellow hue over their faces. "In times of turmoil, we require more administrative scholars who are capable of comprehending the social conditions of our kingdom and devising policies that can better serve our people," I explain.

"For instance, a superior tax policy can discourage individuals from resorting to criminal activities while enhancing the quality of education would augment employment opportunities and lead to a more stable society. With new policies in place, innovation can flourish, resulting in increased productivity for our kingdom!" I conclude with a flourish, feeling a sense of pride in my words.

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