Grim Judgement

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QUICK ANNOUNCEMENT: This Episode marks the End of the Shaggy and Louis Issue Arc and the Louis's Family's Working for Mr. E Investigation Arc,But,Opens Up Two New Arcs,Coming for Future Episodes.

Daphne: Previously on Mystery Incorporated

"Brad Chiles and Judy Reeves," Velma announced,Not Believing Her Eyes as She looked at Them,With Surprise,On Her Face.

"Mom,Dad," Fred responded.

He didn't Know, What to Say.

He had, So Many Questions.

"Have Any of You heard of Sternum and Sternum?" Brad asked,In Curiosity.

"Sure,They're Famous," Fred replied,in Excitement.

"I'm Sorry,I don't know,Who that Is," Louis notified.

"It's about a Husband and Wife, A Team of Trap-Making Mystery Solvers,They invented the Flautnower 8,000," Fred explained.

"Wait,Hold the Phone,You Mean? You're the Sternums," Fred guessed,Instantly,Figuring Out,What They were,Trying to Say.

"We keep Our Identities Private,Because,We're not in It for the Glory,We,Just,Want to help Mankind,By Ridding It of Things,That are Hard to Catch,With Ordinary Traps," Judy answered,Softly.

Brad and Judy walked Out,From Behind a Tree,Looking Around,Suspiciously.

"It would Appear,the Kinder,the New Mystery Incorporated have obtained the Third, And,Now, the Fourth Piece of the Planispheric Disc," Pericles explained,Ignoring Cassidy's Comment.

"No," Judy responded,In Shock and Disappointment.

"Yes,This cannot Continue,Otherwise, Louis and Scooby,Along with Their Other Foolish Friends will Beat Us, And,As Such, I have a Little Proposition for All of You," Pericles eludicated.

Brad and Judy had,Recently come Home,From Work.

They had come Home,With a Couple of Maps.

Of the Town of Crystal Cove.

Brad and Judy,Now,Sat on the Couch.

Leaning over It.

As the Happy Couple leaned,While,On the Couch,as They looked at the Maps.

That,They had Stolen from Crystal Cove.


Cassidy walked Out of the Shadows into the Living Room.

She watched Them,Look at the Maps as She walked In.

"Is This a Good Time to Talk?" Cassidy mentioned,Firmly as She walked into the Living Room,Up to Them.

The Moment,Brad heard Cassidy's Voice.

Brad covered the Maps,With His Arms.

Preventing Her from Seeing,What They were Doing.

The Two didn't Really Trust Her Much.

Brad and Judy looked Up at Cassidy.

Cassidy stood There,With Her Hands on Her Hips.

As a Frown was on her Face.

Judy Smiled,Wickedly as She looked at Cassidy.

"And,I'm Begging You,To Think of Freddy,To Really,Put Him First," Cassidy pleaded.

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